

java Programming Glossary: this.age

Sorting using Comparator- Descending order (User defined classes) [closed]


int age public Person String name int age this.name name this.age age public String getName return name public int getAge return..

How to override equals method in java


int age public Person String name int age this.name name this.age age @Override public boolean equals Object obj if obj null return.. null this.name.equals other.name return false if this.age other.age return false return true @Override public int hashCode.. 53 hash this.name null this.name.hashCode 0 hash 53 hash this.age return hash public int getAge return age public void setAge..

java.io.InvalidClassException: no valid constructor


name System.out.println We are in Parent123 Constructor this.age age this.name name class SerializationMain extends Parent123..

GWT with JDO problem


Person String name int age char gender this.name name this.age age this.gender gender Getters and Setters 3. RPCCalls package..