java Programming Glossary: this.setbackground
How to add JPanel by clicking JButton? some button class Panel1 extends JPanel public Panel1 this.setBackground Color.BLUE a lot of drawing stuff going on here @Override public.. 200 200 class Panel2 extends JPanel public Panel2 this.setBackground Color.GREEN a lot of drawing stuff going on here @Override public.. this.remove p1 class Panel1 extends JPanel public Panel1 this.setBackground Color.BLUE a lot of drawing stuff going on here @Override public..
Swing animation running extremely slow String s Hue hue super new GridLayout 1 0 name.setText s this.setBackground hue.getColor this.add map BorderLayout.CENTER for Hue h Hue.values.. e Hue h Hue colorBox.getSelectedItem CabPanel.this.setBackground h.getColor update reset.addActionListener new ActionListener.. this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 32 SIZE 32 SIZE this.setBackground Color.lightGray @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics..
How do I set a JLabel's background color? background doesn't change at all. How can I get it to show this.setBackground Color.white JLabel label new JLabel Test label.setForeground..
How to represent double values as circles in a 2d matrix in java this.setIcon this this.setHorizontalAlignment JLabel.RIGHT this.setBackground Color.lightGray @Override protected void setValue Object value..
How to rotate an image gradually in Swing? y this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 50 50 this.setBackground TitledBorder border BorderFactory.createTitledBorder.. dt DELTA_THETA private double theta public RotatePanel this.setBackground Color.lightGray this.setPreferredSize new Dimension image.getWidth..
Java Swing button colors class ButtonPanel extends JPanel public ButtonPanel int i this.setBackground new Color rnd.nextInt this.add new JButton Button String.valueOf..
JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared BorderFactory.createLineBorder 1 this.setBackground new Color 0x00e0e0 JLabel candidates new JLabel 123456789 candidates.setHorizontalAlignment.. getImage digit this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 64 64 this.setBackground new Color 0xe0e000 this.setForeground this.setBorderPainted..
MouseListener Help Java random.nextInt public ColorLabel this.setOpaque true this.setBackground new Color random.nextInt this.setPreferredSize new Dimension..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g this.setBackground Color.white g.drawLine this.getWidth 2 0 this.getWidth 2 this.getWidth.. AffineTest this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 700 700 this.setBackground Color.white p1.translate 50 100 p2.translate 100 100 @Override..
Implementing back/forward buttons in Swing name this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 320 240 this.setBackground new Color random.nextInt this.add new JLabel name @Override..
how to change UI depending on combo box selection name this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 320 240 this.setBackground new Color random.nextInt this.add new JLabel name @Override..
Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu v 0 this.setFont new Font Arial Font.PLAIN 12 this.setBackground Color.white String s String v 0 String lowerS s.toLowerCase.. v 0 this.setFont new Font Arial Font.PLAIN 12 this.setBackground Color.white String s String v 0 String lowerS s.toLowerCase..
Java - opaque color 0.5f private boolean src public X boolean src this.src src this.setBackground Color.lightGray @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize..