

java Programming Glossary: this.id

JTree: Set custom open/closed icons for individual groups


name boolean isBoss this.name name this.isBoss isBoss this.id new Random System.currentTimeMillis .nextInt Integer.MAX_VALUE..

Converting JSON to Java


String title this.title title public void setId Long id this.id id public void setChildren Boolean children this.children children..

Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all?


int getId return externalId public void setId final int id this.id id public String getName return name public void setName final..

Places where JavaBeans are used?


return birthdate Setters. public void setId Long id this.id id public void setName String name this.name name public void..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


public String getID return id public void setID String id this.id id public SetHelpRows String name String id super this.name.. SetHelpRows String name String id super this.name name this.id id My SetHelpRowsCustomAdapter file import java.util.ArrayList..

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


toString return this.getName public boolean isNew return this.id null The ClinicService.java code that is called from the DocumentController..

How to use Map element as text of a JComboBox


String description public Item int id String description this.id id this.description description public int getId return id..

How to map a composite key with Hibernate?


public TimePK Integer levelStation String confPathID this.id levelStation this.name confPathID equals hashCode And the entity.. public TimePK Integer levelStation String confPathID this.id levelStation this.name confPathID equals hashCode And the entity..

Hibernate use of PostgreSQL sequence does not affect sequence table


name id unique true nullable false public int getId return this.id What I see with this configuration is that hibernate is already.. name id unique true nullable false public int getId return this.id Though I've also heard opinions that using HiLo strategy with..

Conveniently map between enum and int / String


public enum BonusType public final int id BonusType int id this.id id MONTHLY 1 YEARLY 2 ONE_OFF 3 Then I can access the int value..

Mapping ManyToMany with composite Primary key and Annotation:


public String getId return id public void setId String id this.id id all other setters and getters and isequal hashCode omitted... public String getId return id public void setId String id this.id id Collection Objects @Entity @Table name student_TClass_MTM..

Serialize a JAXB object via its ID?


public Long getId return id public void setId Long id this.id id public Target getTarget return target public void setTarget..

Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC


StockClient Long id String symbol Date createDate this this.id id this.symbol symbol this.createDate createDate public Long.. symbol this.createDate createDate public Long getId return this.id public String getSymbol return this.symbol public Date getCreateDate.. return this.createDate public void setId Long id this.id id public void setSymbol String symbol this.symbol symbol Modify..

GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”?


return this.logo_url public final String get_Id return this.id public final String get_Modified return this.modified But it..