

java Programming Glossary: this.column

TableCellRenderer and how to refresh Cell background without using JTable.repaint()


public Cell int row int column super this.row row this.column column List Cell updatedCells new ArrayList Cell if this.selected..

problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double


col throws ParseException super arg0 this.sorter sorter this.column col TODO Auto generated constructor stub private int getSortOrder.. SortKey sortKey sorter.getSortKeys if sortKey.getColumn this.column order sortKey.getSortOrder break return order SortOrder.ASCENDING.. sorter int col throws ParseException this.sorter sorter this.column col private int getSortOrder SortOrder order SortOrder.ASCENDING..

Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.swing.JTable


rendererComponent protected void setColumn int column this.column column public int getColumn return column protected void handleClickEvent.. viewColumn if viewColumn this.column e.getClickCount 1 column 1 System.out.println doClick ........