

java Programming Glossary: this.parent

Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components


return child public void setParent Container parent this.parent parent public Container getParent return parent @Override public..

Java Bouncing Ball


private Balls parent public BounceEngine Balls parent this.parent parent @Override public void run int width getParent .getWidth..

8-Puzzle Solution executes infinitely


return f_n public void setParent EightPuzzle input this.parent input public EightPuzzle getParent return this.parent public.. this.parent input public EightPuzzle getParent return this.parent public int inversions Definition For any other configuration..

Animations when using Gridbag Layout.


Timer 16 this timer.setRepeats true timer.setCoalesce true this.parent parent private void setConstraints LayoutConstraints constraints..

resuming an activity from a notification


Intent notificationIntent new Intent this.parent MainActivity.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity.. PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this.parent 0 notificationIntent 0 ... notification.flags Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT..

How to configure JComboBox not to select FIRST element when created?


parent public SuggestionComboBoxListener Component parent this.parent parent public void itemStateChanged ItemEvent e if e.getStateChange..

JSF: Cannot catch ViewExpiredException


javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandlerFactory parent this.parent parent @Override public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler.. public CustomExceptionHandler ExceptionHandler parent this.parent parent @Override public ExceptionHandler getWrapped return this.parent.. parent @Override public ExceptionHandler getWrapped return this.parent @Override public void handle throws FacesException for Iterator..

how to share a jsf error page between multiple wars


public FaceletsResourceResolver ResourceResolver parent this.parent parent this.basePath META INF resources TODO Make configureable..

Playing MP3 using Java Sound API


shown. public void setParentComponent Component parent this.parent parent Converts a frame count to a duration in milliseconds...

How to create a modular JSF 2.0 application?


public FaceletsResourceResolver ResourceResolver parent this.parent parent this.basePath META INF resources TODO Make configureable..

Java - Parsing xml using DOM


XmlDocument parent XmlNode Element node this.node node this.parent null XmlNode XmlDocument parent Element node this.node node.. XmlNode XmlDocument parent Element node this.node node this.parent parent Node getNode return node public String getNodeValue.. return parent public void setParent XmlDocument parent this.parent parent public List XmlNode getChildNodes List XmlNode list new..

How do you play a long AudioClip?


shown. public void setParentComponent Component parent this.parent parent Converts a frame count to a duration in milliseconds...