

java Programming Glossary: this.data

Construct a tree structure from list of string paths


new LinkedHashSet Tree private final T data Tree T data this.data data void accept Visitor T visitor visitor.visitData this data..

Last row always removed from DefaultTableModel, regardless of index


data super data columnNames this.columnNames columnNames this.data data private String columnNames private Object data @Override..

JSON Jquery to Struts2 action


String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data My Problem is how to receive the JSON Object in Action..

Level Order traversal of a generic tree(n-ary tree) in java


children public NaryTree int data NaryTree... children this.data data this.children Arrays.asList children static class InOrderIterator..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


layoutResourceId this.context context this.data data this.original data new ArrayList Pkmn this.fitems data..

Can I use java.util.LinkedList to construct a circular/cyclic linked list?


public ListNode Object data ListNode next this.next next this.data data class CircularLinkedList private ListNode head null private..

Java null check why use == instead of .equals()


. For instance class Foo private int data Foo int d this.data d @Override public boolean equals Object other if other null.. this.getClass return false return Foo other .data this.data In a real class you'd override `hashCode` here as well Foo..

Android - What's the best way to share data between activities?


String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data private static final DataHolder holder new DataHolder public.. String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data Before launching the activity MyApplication app MyApplication.. return data public static String setData String data this.data data From the launched activity String data DataHolder.getData..

How to print binary tree diagram?


Comparable Node A left right A data public Node A data this.data data java printing binary tree share improve this question.. Comparable Node T left right T data public Node T data this.data data class BTreePrinter public static T extends Comparable void..

Jackson is not deserialising a generic list that it has serialised


T data this.status STATUS_OK this.type TYPE_OBJECT this.data new ArrayList T this.data.add data this.count this.data.size.. STATUS_OK this.type TYPE_OBJECT this.data new ArrayList T this.data.add data this.count this.data.size public NSResponse List T.. this.data new ArrayList T this.data.add data this.count this.data.size public NSResponse List T data this.status STATUS_OK this.type..

refreshing background color for a row in jtable


true true myTableModel this.colNames new Vector String this.data new Vector Vector Object myTableModel Vector String colnames.. Vector String colnames this.colNames colnames this.data new Vector Vector Object public void resetTable this.colNames.removeAllElements.. public void resetTable this.colNames.removeAllElements this.data.removeAllElements public void setColumnNames Vector String..

List of useful environment settings in Java


name columnNames new String 1 columnNames 0 columnName this.data new Object data.length 1 for int ii 0 ii data.length ii this.data.. new Object data.length 1 for int ii 0 ii data.length ii this.data ii 0 data ii MediaData String name String columnNames Object.. Object data this.name name this.columnNames columnNames this.data data public String toString return name public String getColumnNames..