

java Programming Glossary: this

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


someone please tell me the alternative JSP 2 lines and how this technique is called java jsp java ee scriptlet share improve.. is called java jsp java ee scriptlet share improve this question The use of scriptlets those things in JSP is indeed.. requests into a proper client ready format. Even then this would be better done with a front controller servlet or a custom..

Is Java “pass-by-reference”?


by reference however I've seen a couple of blog posts e.g. this blog that claim it's not. I don't think I understand the distinction.. pass by reference pass by value share improve this question Java is always pass by value. The difficult thing.. and those references are passed by value. It goes like this public void foo Dog d d.getName .equals Max true d new Dog Fifi..

Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing?


proportions between displayed components. I have been told this With layouts the answer is always the same use a suitable LayoutManager.. variation on my layout If the answer to 4 is yes won't this lead to a proliferation of LayoutManager classes which will.. you in advance. java swing layout manager share improve this question Should I completely avoid the use of those methods..

The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice?


multiple JFrames java swing gui jframe share improve this question I'm just wondering whether it is good practice to.. attention on the content of that dialog choose fix cancel this then proceed. Multiple frames do not. A dialog or floating tool.. the frame as the parent for the dialogs. Many images In this case where the multiple elements are images it would be better..

Why JSF calls getters multiple times


your input java jsf getter share improve this question This is caused by the nature of deferred expressions # note that.. everytime when the code calls ValueExpression#getValue . This will normally be invoked one or two times per JSF request response.. DB business logic in the getter method for some reason. This would be re executed everytime Getter methods in JSF backing..

How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?


factory List items upload.parseRequest request This line is where it died. Unfortunately the servlet threw an exception.. use Apache Commons FileUpload under the covers for this . This is a bit less convenienced than when using pure Apache Commons.. filename.lastIndexOf ' ' 1 MSIE fix. return null This can all also be done in a Filter which does all the job transparently..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


Content Length contentLength . This may cause OutOfMemoryException s whenever you concurrently send.. the HttpURLConnection#setChunkedStreamingMode accordingly. This will set the HTTP Transfer Encoding header to chunked which..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


is no drawing in the Model and no game logic in the View . This somewhat more complex game was designed to illustrate the same..

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


whenever tag libraries provide equivalent functionality. This makes pages easier to read and maintain helps to separate business.. e throw new ServletException Retrieving products failed e This way dealing with exceptions is easier. The DB is not accessed.. Forward to JSP page to redisplay login form with error. This way dealing with different result page destinations is easier..

JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense?


to run from top to bottom again producing the HTML output. This may lead to unexpected results when using JSTL tags in for example..

Generating random numbers in a range with Java


the range of values you want covered. Math.random Max Min This returns a value in the range 0 Max Min . For example if you.. need to cover five integer values so you use Math.random 5 This would return a value in the range 0 5 . Now you need to shift.. and then truncate the decimal part by casting to an int. This is accomplished via Min int Math.random Max Min 1 And there..

Java String.equals versus == [duplicate]


String.equals versus duplicate This question already has an answer here How do I compare strings.. here How do I compare strings in Java 27 answers This code separates a string into tokens and stores them in an array..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


existing database with an Android application duplicate This question already has an answer here How to ship an Android..

calling a java method to draw graphics


new FrameTest test_frame.test_string I WANT TO DRAW THIS STRING class FrameTest extends JFrame private static final long.. new FrameTest1 test_frame.setContentString I WANT TO DRAW THIS STRING class FrameTest1 extends JFrame private static final..

Google Drive SDK Exception


a particular Google account chosen by the user. DO NOT RUN THIS DIRECTLY. It must be run asynchronously inside an AsyncTask...

Using JNA to get/set application identifier



Managing highly repetitive code and documentation in Java


been auto generated from the template xxxxx DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE FOR IT SHALL GET OVERWRITTEN share improve this answer..

any good jsch examples?


sesConnection.setPassword strPassword UNCOMMENT THIS FOR TESTING PURPOSES BUT DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION sesConnection.setConfig..

How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses?


one more important question is DO I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS None of my classes have any semblance of enforceable privacy.. share improve this question DO I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS That depends entirely on what types of programs you're writing..

Compilers behave differently with a null parameter of a generic method


null State CLOSED NOT A DEFECT. Evaluation THIS IS NOT A BUG . The inference algorithm cannot gather any information..

Java object ID in jvm


a System.identityHashCode . Does anybody knows how to get THIS id of object java eclipse debugging share improve this question..

How come invoking a (static) method on a null reference doesn't throw NullPointerException?


member access. Why aNull null aNull.test DO NOT EVER DO THIS invokes Why.test does NOT throw NullPointerException When accessing..

Where do Java and .NET string literals reside?


SyncTextReader 002bf15c 025d2d04 System.String hello world THIS IS THE ONE 002bf224 025d2ccc System.Object System.String 002bf3d0.. 025d13b0 4 025d13d0 5 025d1400 6 025d1424 ... 36 025d2d04 THIS IS OUR STRING ... 126 null 127 null I reduced the output somewhat..

How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux?


obtained Hello.class and Hello.h . Hello.h DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE it is machine generated #include jni.h Header for class..

Why do you have to call URLConnection#getInputStream to be able to write out to URLConnection#getOutputStream?


Content Type text plain SETTING THIS TO FALSE DOES NOTHING urlCon.setDoInput false osw new OutputStreamWriter.. osw.write HELLO WORLD osw.flush MUST CALL THIS OTHERWISE WILL NOT WRITE OUT urlCon.getInputStream ..

Calling a java method from c++ in Android


a java method from c in Android THE SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM IS IN THE BOTTOM OF THE QUESTION Hi. I'm trying to get..

Return data from AsyncTask class


response protected void onPostExecute String result THIS IS WHERE I NEED TO RETURN MY DATA TO THE MAIN ACTIVITY. I am..

Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String


i char start r.nextInt end return new String data WE DO THIS IF WE FIND AN ILLEGAL CHARACTER IN THE STRING public void doThrow..