

c# Programming Glossary: detectchanges

Why is inserting entities in EF 4.1 so slow compared to ObjectContext?


detection to improve performance context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled false This change detection is enabled by default in.. is that many more functions of the DbContext API will call DetectChanges internally than functions of the ObjectContext API when automatic.. Here you can find a list of those functions which call DetectChanges by default. They are The Add Attach Find Local or Remove members..

Implementing Audit Log / Change History with MVC & Entity Framework


public override int SaveChanges SaveOptions options DetectChanges var modifiedEntities ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries..

Entity Framework 4.1. Most efficient way to get multiple entities by primary key?


the test after several minutes because Find calls DetectChanges internally. Disabling auto change detection context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled.. Disabling auto change detection context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled false leads to roughly the same performance as SingleOrDefault..