

c# Programming Glossary: detail

A generic error occurred in GDI+, JPEG Image to MemoryStream


imageToConvert.Save ms format return ms.ToArray More detail to the exception. The reason this causes so many issues is the..

XML Serialize generic list of serializable objects


serializableList Edit For those who wanted to know detail when I try to run this code it errors on the XMLSerializer ..... an error generating the XML document. . The InnerException detail is The type System.Collections.Generic.List1 Project1.Person.. . This is just for testing though so didn't feel the details were too important. The key is I have one or more different..

Order of event handler execution


they are registered. However this is an implementation detail and I would not rely on this behavior staying the same in future..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


specify much of this it's effectively an implementation detail. There are those who believe that managed code developers really.. Lippert's blog post on value type construction for more details and a case where it doesn't apply. I've learned a lot in writing..

Best way to copy between two Stream instances


on. Additionally this call and this is an implementation detail subject to change still sequences reads and writes it just doesn't..

Performance Tests of Serializations used by WCF Bindings


BinaryFormatter XMLFormatter What i need to do in detail is Get to now the size of the Object being serialized Get to..

How can a Windows Service start a process when a Timer event is raised?


read the white paper that explains these changes in more detail here . If you're a more visual person refer to following diagram..

How can I close a login form and show the main form without my application closing?


main.Show this.Close else MessageBox.Show Invalid login details. I tried hiding the Login form if the login process is successful... that method here on MSDN which explains this in greater detail. The best solution is to move the code out of your login form..

Proper use of the IDisposable interface


why of COM the remaining 300 pages are obvious and just detail Microsoft's implementation. I think every programmer who has..

Executing Batch File in C#


results in this behaviour haven't investigated that in detail . This does work if the bat file is not located in c windows..

WPF chart controls [closed]


In C#, why is String a reference type that behaves like a value type?


about value type storage being an implementation detail which leads to this situation where we have a type with value..

Large Object Heap Fragmentation


normally be allocated on the LOH. It is an implementation detail but I assume the reason for this is to avoid unnecessary garbage..

MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resource


database with no change. Anyone have any ideas Further details I haven't changed any properties I haven't changed the name.. for some reason. In short there is not really enough detail in your question to give an accurate answer but hopefully these..

How is Math.Pow() implemented in .Net Framework?


the CRT's version of pow . The only other implementation detail that's interesting is the FCIntrinsic macro in the table. That's..

Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach?


criticism is entirely justified. I discuss this problem in detail here Closing over the loop variable considered harmful Is there..

Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC


EDIT I have a couple of blog posts that go into more detail http farm fresh code.blogspot.com 2011 03 revisiting custom..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


strongly typed and weakly typed you should describe in detail what kind of type safety you mean. For example C# is a statically..

How can I make a .Net Winforms application that only runs in the System Tray?


Talk.com that addresses these points and more in great detail providing a tray application framework that you can put to use..

How to use nested class in WPF XAML?


I am refractoring the code from sample 24.129.21. Master Detail Binding from C# CSharp Tutorial » Windows Presentation Foundation..

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


would animatedly expand itself into some kind of Row Details mode where you can see a lot of additional information 4 Does.. I add Videos for example for each item or a complex Master Detail template with Save and edit Buttons 8 Does winforms provide.. would animatedly expand itself into some kind of Row Details mode where you can see a lot of additional information You'd..

How can I upload a file and save it to a Stream for further preview using C#?


redirect back to detail page return RedirectToAction Detail Announcements new id ID Now you can see i pass the file object..

xml serializing of saved game data


PercentComplete public int PercentComplete Exception Detail System.InvalidOperationException There is an error in XML document..

How to deep clone objects containing an IList property using AutoMapper


using AutoMapper public class MainData public MainData Details new List Detail public int Id get private set public DateTime.. public class MainData public MainData Details new List Detail public int Id get private set public DateTime LastUpdate get.. public DateTime LastUpdate get private set public IList Detail Details get private set public int Prop1 get set public int..

Service Reference Error: Failed to generate code for the service reference


Warning 6 Custom tool warning Cannot import wsdl binding Detail There was an error importing a wsdl portType that the wsdl binding.. Warning 7 Custom tool warning Cannot import wsdl port Detail There was an error importing a wsdl binding that the wsdl port.. Warning 5 Custom tool warning Cannot import wsdl portType Detail An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension..