

c# Programming Glossary: desirable

Retry a task multiple times based on user input in case of an exception in task


you can see why an async version of Retry is so desirable. UPDATE In Visual Studio 2012 Beta the following two versions..

How can I assign a string to an enum instead of an intereger value in C#?


will return the enums name not its value.So it is not desirable since I am seeking a way to assign a string value and then get..

Reducing memory usage of .NET applications?


obviously smaller and more efficient does tend to be desirable. However you should consider what your actual needs are. If..

Using lock statement within a loop in C#


question Take a step back. Start by specifying all the desirable and undesirable characteristics before you start to write a.. a step back. Start by specifying all the desirable and undesirable characteristics before you start to write a solution. A few..

C# Binary Trees and Dictionaries


are better than dictionaries Dictionaries have some undesirable properties There may not be enough continugous blocks of memory.. keys is slower than a tree dictionary. RB Trees have some desirable properties You can find remove the Min and Max elements in O..

Regex : how to get words from a string (C#)


a zA Z would miss quite a few word characters that are desirable. Allowing w and disallowing d includes all Unicode characters..

Algorithm to avoid SQL injection on MSSQL Server from C# code?


specifically do rely on error messages however and so it's desirable to hide as much as is possible about the database from the public...

Immutable object pattern in C# - what do you think?


a constructor. Having setters on the properties is more desirable and your code constructing a new object gets easier to read...

In Protobuf-net how can I pass an array of type object with objects of different types inside, knowing the set of potential types in advance


them to know in which array to put each item which is not desirable and I still can't preserve the ordering as I just extract all..

Generic methods and method overloading


the plan. However then the designers realized that this desirable pattern would be made illegal class C T public C T t ... Create..

GetMethod for generic method [duplicate]


with type IEnumerable on the string type. What is really desirable is handling nested generic types recursively while treating..

C# - Realtime console output redirection


there may be more output waiting to be read and it may be desirable or even necessary that this output is processed all in one piece...

Differences between IQueryable, List, IEnumerator?


T will be done at the application level. Sometimes this is desirable in the case where you need to make use of client side code for..

Highlight a list of words using a regular expression in c#


wouldn't be enough but I can see why regex is desirable you can use it to enforce whole word replacements only by making..

Can we create custom HTTP Status codes?


status codes though such understanding is obviously desirable. However applications MUST understand the class of any status..

OleDB not supported in 64bit mode?


application to run in 32bit mode which works but is not desirable. c# .net csv 64bit oledb share improve this question Here..

C# - Capturing the Mouse cursor image


that the code captures the the mouse cursor also which is desirable for me MY PROBLEM Code works fine when the mouse cursor is the..

Is an Application Associated With a Given Extension?


Associated With a Given Extension It is sometimes desirable to have your application open the default application for a.. installed to handle them. In these cases it'd be desirable to determine if an application is associated with the extension..

(407) Proxy Authentication Required, in c#


to hard code or configure proxy credentials which may be desirable. Put this in your application configuration file probably app.config...