

c# Programming Glossary: dest

C# - How do I read and write a binary file?


using Stream source File.OpenRead inPath using Stream dest File.Create outPath byte buffer new byte 2048 pick size int..

How do I prevent clipping when rotating an image in C#?


mRotate System.Drawing.PointF pts gp.PathPoints create destination bitmap sized to contain rotated source image Rectangle.. gDest Graphics.FromImage bmpDest draw source into dest Matrix mDest new Matrix mDest.Translate bmpDest.Width 2 bmpDest.Height..

Automapper: Ignore on condition of


like Mapper.CreateMap CarViewModel Car .ForMember dest dest.Code opt opt.Ignore .If source source.Id 0 So far the only.. like Mapper.CreateMap CarViewModel Car .ForMember dest dest.Code opt opt.Ignore .If source source.Id 0 So far the only solution.. option like Mapper.CreateMap CarViewModel Car .ForMember dest dest.Code opt opt.Skip source source.Id 0 share improve this..

Generic methods in .NET cannot have their return types inferred. Why?


TSource source return default TDest Why can't I do string dest Gimme 5 without getting the compiler error error CS0411 The..

Remove element of a regular array


public static T RemoveAt T this T source int index T dest new T source.Length 1 if index 0 Array.Copy source 0 dest 0.. dest new T source.Length 1 if index 0 Array.Copy source 0 dest 0 index if index source.Length 1 Array.Copy source index 1 dest.. 0 index if index source.Length 1 Array.Copy source index 1 dest index source.Length index 1 return dest And use it like Foo..

C#: Dynamic runtime cast


. public static dynamic Convert dynamic source Type dest return Convert.ChangeType source dest EDIT The updated question.. dynamic source Type dest return Convert.ChangeType source dest EDIT The updated question has the following line obj definitely..

Any faster way of copying arrays in C#?


is internal static unsafe void memcpyimpl byte src byte dest int len It does require pointers but I believe it's optimized.. unsafe delegate void MemCpyImpl byte src byte dest int len static class Temp There really should be a generic CreateDelegate..

Capture screen on server desktop session


Int32 sourceX Int32 sourceY Int32 destinationX Int32 destinationY Size blockRegionSize CopyPixelOperation.. Int32 sourceX Int32 sourceY Int32 destinationX Int32 destinationY Size blockRegionSize CopyPixelOperation copyPixelOperation.. the remote connection but use windir system32 tscon.exe 0 dest console instead. That will insure that the screen isn't locked..

Using System.IO.Packaging to generate a ZIP file


zipFilename FileMode.OpenOrCreate string destFilename . Path.GetFileName fileToAdd Uri uri PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri.. fileToAdd Uri uri PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri new Uri destFilename UriKind.Relative if zip.PartExists uri zip.DeletePart.. fileToAdd FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read using Stream dest part.GetStream CopyStream fileStream dest private static..

Compression/Decompression string with C#


a string public static void CopyTo Stream src Stream dest byte bytes new byte 4096 int cnt while cnt src.Read bytes 0.. 4096 int cnt while cnt src.Read bytes 0 bytes.Length 0 dest.Write bytes 0 cnt public static byte Zip string str var bytes..

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path denied


FileAttributes.Normal File.Delete file Copy File.Copy file dest true File.SetAttributes dest FileAttributes.Normal share improve..

cropping an area from BitmapData with C#


Rectangle.FromLTRB startX startY width height Bitmap dest new Bitmap srcRect.Width srcRect.Height Rectangle destRect new.. dest new Bitmap srcRect.Width srcRect.Height Rectangle destRect new Rectangle 0 0 srcRect.Width srcRect.Height using Graphics.. srcRect.Height using Graphics graphics Graphics.FromImage dest graphics.DrawImage bmp destRect srcRect GraphicsUnit.Pixel..

process.standardoutput.ReadToEnd() always empty?


true cproc.StartInfo.FileName Dest cproc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput true cproc.StartInfo.WindowStyle..

File Copy with Progress Bar


public CustomFileCopier string Source string Dest this.SourceFilePath Source this.DestFilePath Dest OnProgressChanged.. string Source string Dest this.SourceFilePath Source this.DestFilePath Dest OnProgressChanged delegate OnComplete delegate.. string Dest this.SourceFilePath Source this.DestFilePath Dest OnProgressChanged delegate OnComplete delegate public void..

Compare two Lists for differences


string CompareTwoClass_ReturnDifferences T1 T2 T1 Orig T2 Dest where T1 class where T2 class Instantiate if necessary if Dest.. where T1 class where T2 class Instantiate if necessary if Dest null throw new ArgumentNullException Dest Destination class.. if necessary if Dest null throw new ArgumentNullException Dest Destination class must first be instantiated. var Differences..