

c# Programming Glossary: desire

OpenXML SDK having borders for cell


Excel document that contains the border and color you desire. Open that file in the productivity tool and then click reflect..

null objects vs. empty objects


more common technique of passing a pointer. No pointer no desire to check for NULL ignoring the corner case of actually having.. a null reference . In C# the same C problem is present the desire to check every unknown reference against null ArgumentNullException..

Is this Repository pattern efficient with LINQ-to-SQL?


share improve this question I can understand Johannes' desire to control the execution of the SQL more tightly and with the.. performance from LinqToSql i've added smarts to get the desired results. So IMHO LinqToSql is perfectly ok for heavy apps that..

When to pass ref keyword in


declarations when writing a method Use ref out when you desire your method to be able to read and write a variable passed in..

Elegant Log Window in WinForms C#


write a log collection class that has the properties you desire not including the display properties . Then write the little..

Fastest method for SQL Server inserts, updates, selects


be re used in many different apps I do sympathize with the desire to get it as close to optimal as possible and therefore I do..

Why are private virtual methods illegal in C#?


common than the non nested derived class situation. If you desire to restrict the ability to override the method in non nested.. because the only derived classes will be nested. If you desire to restrict the ability to call a method in a non nested derived..

Discriminated union in C#


it for interop. Here is an example of such a question . My desire to have a union type thing is somewhat different. I am writing..

Need a way to sort a 100 GB log file by date [closed]


doesn't quite work out to this. So you can appreciate the desire to reduce the raw data if at all possible. That was one reason..

How can I get the correct text definition of a generic type using reflection?


b77a5c561934e089 Is there a way I get result I desire below for text without parsing the above string System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary..

Get filename while downloading it


you do have one of them will probably contain the name you desire. If the browser show the name it must come from somewhere ....

Overriding button background in WPF on Aero


button background in WPF on Aero So the desire is simple change a button's background to LightGreen Green when..

How can I get the values of the parameters of a calling method?


Factory pattern in C#: How to ensure an object instance can only be created by a factory class?


business logic class but never directly The first natural desire to use a good old friend keyword of C will fall short with C#...

C# Permutation of an array of arraylists?


. Edit I am not sure if recursion would interfere with my desire to format the output in my own manner. Sorry I did not mention..

Why no Reference Counting + Garbage Collection in C#?


I'm not very smart... so I'm asking this purely from a desire to better understand why things are the way they are. What if..

Get previous and next item in a IEnumerable using LINQ


I also have an item myItem in that IEnumerable that I desire the previous and next item from the IEnumerable. Currently I'm.. next item from the IEnumerable. Currently I'm doing the desired like this var previousItem myIEnumerable.Reverse .SkipWhile..

How can I specify a [DllImport] path at runtime?


int Number1 int Number2 The big deal is that DllImport desire a const string parameter for the DLL's directory. So my question..