

c# Programming Glossary: desperate

Photo upload with parameters to a PHP page


the way to simulate this in WP7 i tried everything i'm desperate. I used myToolkit like this but same response like when i used..

Java implementation of C# SignedCms


I get stuck on this issue. To be honest I'm desperate and have no idea what's wrong. Any help is appreciated. UPD...

Ninject + MVC3 is not injecting into controller


share improve this question So after quite a while of desperate tinkering I finally found my problem. I was referencing the..

How to set different HorizontalAlignment to ListBoxItems


Thank you so much for your patience. I am madly desperate here already... So many hours wasted on this... c# wpf windows..

Extracting files from a Zip archive programmatically using C# and System.IO.Packaging


I have a bunch of ZIP files that are in desperate need of some hierarchical reorganization and extraction. What..

Prism assembly reference failure: System.Windows.Interactivity


so I thought I'd turn to the StackOverflow community in a desperate plea for help. I have a module running as part of a larger Prism..