

c# Programming Glossary: designmode

Fade a panel- Windows forms


override void OnCreateControl base.OnCreateControl if DesignMode FadeIn protected override void OnResize EventArgs eventargs..

IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication in C#?


public enum ActivateOptions None 0x00000000 No flags set DesignMode 0x00000001 The application is being activated for design mode..

C# UserControl Constructor with Parameters


was to avoid using it. And I can't even use the DesignMode property to do something like public partial class MyUserControl.. MyUserControl UserControl public MyUserControl if this.DesignMode InitializeComponent return throw new Exception Use constructor..

Controlling user workflow in Winforms


by trapping the TCM_ADJUSTRECT message if m.Msg 0x1328 DesignMode m.Result IntPtr 1 else base.WndProc ref m share improve this..

Creating Wizards for Windows Forms in C# [closed]


by trapping the TCM_ADJUSTRECT message if m.Msg 0x1328 DesignMode m.Result IntPtr 1 else base.WndProc ref m share improve this..

Hide TabControl buttons to manage stacked Panel controls


by trapping the TCM_ADJUSTRECT message if m.Msg 0x1328 DesignMode m.Result IntPtr 1 else base.WndProc ref m share improve this..

How to create a C# Winforms Control that hovers


get CreateParams cp base.CreateParams if mParent null DesignMode cp.Style int long cp.Style 0xffff 0x90200000 cp.Parent mParent.Handle..

How do I create a TabControl with no tab headers?


Hide the tab headers at run time if m.Msg TCM_ADJUSTRECT DesignMode m.Result IntPtr 1 return call the base class implementation..