

c# Programming Glossary: detailed

C# tutorial to write gadgets


Sidebar Gadgets in C# . C# is not the only option. This detailed tutorial explains how to develop gadgets without C#. Orginally..

Why covariance and contravariance do not support value type


is the reason Could someone please give a simple and detailed explanation why covariance and contravariance do not support..

include line numbers in stack trace without pdb?


so that developers will already be getting fully detailed stack traces by the time the cases hit their inbox. share improve..

What is the static variable initialization order in C#?


the second set of numbers. Don't do this. EDIT Okay more detailed explanation as promised. When is a type initialized If a type..

Sockets On Same Machine For Windows and Linux


as there is a version of iperf for Winddws. This is a more detailed comparison 1 Speed of TCP exchange between two iperf applicatons..

Writing a CSV file in .net


be much appreciated I found another article with some more detailed CSV rules http www.creativyst.com Doc Articles CSV CSV01.htm..

Slow SoapHttpClientProtocol constructor


dll's that we missed in this thread. Here is the detailed instruction PROBLEM When using the VIM 2.0 SDK from .NET requires..

reference assignment is atomic so why is Interlocked.Exchange(ref Object, Object) needed?


that you understand all that already. If you do not have a detailed understanding of the meaning of volatile and how it impacts..

Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor


http blog.ploeh.dk 2011 07 28 CompositionRoot.aspx for a detailed and complete rationale. Minimise use of statics and singletons..

Complex model binding to a list


share improve this question Yes it is I wrote a detailed blog post about it here . It's really easy for simple types...

What are the correct version numbers for C#?


Environment.Version property still reports 4.0.xxx. More detailed information about the relationship between the language runtime..

Display custom error page when file upload exceeds allowed size in ASP.NET MVC


bigger than maxAllowedContentLength IIS7 will display a detailed error page with error code 404 and subStatusCode 13. The error..

How to find out the Encoding of a File? C#


however the process done by Windows Notepad software is detailed in Micheal S Kaplan's blog http blogs.msdn.com b michkap archive..

Capture the Screen into a Bitmap


or later framework you can use the CopyFromScreen method detailed here http www.geekpedia.com tutorial181_Capturing screenshots..

implicit vs explicit interface implementation [duplicate]


share improve this question There is a good and pretty detailed blog post about this. Basically with implicit interface implementation..

No type inference with generic extension method


type arguments are checked against the constraints. For a detailed discussion of some of the design issues around constraints and..

C#: Passing null to overloaded method - which method is called?


to compile. See section of the C# 3.0 spec for the detailed rules. Here's an example of it not being ambiguous. Here TypeB..

When should I use double instead of decimal?


how much varies but is typically very small . For a more detailed overview of the particular cases where errors in accuracies..

Best way to really grok Java-ME for a C# guy [closed]


How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting?


build type EDIT Please see Marc's answer for a detailed explanation on how to do this programmatically. share improve..