

c# Programming Glossary: destructors

What does the tilde (~) mean in C#?


Destructors are not inherited. Thus a class has no destructors other than the one which may be declared in it. Destructors.. for destruction. When an instance is destructed the destructors in its inheritance chain are called in order from most derived..

Is the destructor called if the constructor throws an exception?


if its constructor throws the object never existed the destructors of its internal objects could be called. As a summary every.. parts of the object i.e. member objects will have their destructors called in the reverse order of their construction. Every thing.. out of memory m_aData and then m_aObject will have their destructors called. Then the memory allocated by new Class is deallocated...

Since .NET has a garbage collector why do we need finalizers/destructors/dispose-pattern?


.NET has a garbage collector why do we need finalizers destructors dispose pattern If I understand correctly the .net runtime.. be closed at this point. BTW technically finalizers and destructors mean the same thing I do prefer to call c# destructors 'finalizers'.. and destructors mean the same thing I do prefer to call c# destructors 'finalizers' since otherwise they tend to confuse people with..

Destructor vs IDisposable?


read about disposing objects IDisposable interface and destructors in C# but to me they seem to do the same thing What is the difference.. up is nondeterministic. The consequence of this is that destructors do not exist for managed objects as there is no deterministic.. as there is no deterministic place to run them. Instead of destructors C# has finalizers which are implemented by overriding the Finalize..

Calling null on a class vs Dispose()


as ~Foo in C# somewhat confusingly they're nothing like C destructors . It runs the finalizers on these objects just in case they..

Why doesn't C# have support for first pass exception filtering?


and misery. Note that the using statement and C CLI destructors are built on try finally so they're affected too. So clearly..

Why no Reference Counting + Garbage Collection in C#?


is not built in to the language. Instead of deterministic destructors we have the dispose pattern. People start to wonder whether.. using reference counted smart pointers with deterministic destructors is a major step up from a garbage collector that requires you..