

c# Programming Glossary: deserialise

XSD.exe and “Circular Group references”


I am attempting to build some classes so that I can deserialise an XML file created by a third party application. Luckily the.. an xml structure from a webservice. I then wanted to deserialise the response and store the information into a database with.. wrote my own class structure to the schema and was able to deserialise perfectly. The answer here is to write your own C# classes and..

Serializing anonymous delegates in C#


f when you update to the new compiler you won't be able to deserialise the stuff you saved under the old current compiler. share..

How does BinaryFormatter.Deserialize create new objects?


with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext fields to deserialise said constructor can even be private meaning most other code.. most other code won't even see it . Hence if we can deserialise readonly fields and have any side effects we want we can also..

Deserializing JSON using C#


create a new instance of JavaScriptSerializer and deserialise the desired content JavaScriptSerializer js new JavaScriptSerializer.. JavaScriptSerializer s1 new JavaScriptSerializer deserialise the received response GoogleSearchResults results s1.Deserialize..

How to Read XML in .NET?


using the .NET xsd.exe tool . Once you have that you can deserialise the XML into an object and work with it from that object rather..