

c# Programming Glossary: descriptions

How can I get an enum value from its description?


I have objects labeled with strings that match the enum descriptions. Given one of those strings what's the cleanest way to get the.. description foreach var field in typeof T .GetFields var descriptions DescriptionAttribute field.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute.. typeof DescriptionAttribute false if descriptions.Any x x.Description description return T field.GetValue null..

Benchmarking small code samples in C#, can this implementation be improved?


Elapsed 0 ms watch.ElapsedMilliseconds Usage Profile a descriptions how_many_iterations_to_run ... code being profiled Does this..

Spaces in C# Enums


Tennessee Washington Notice that I do not put descriptions on items where the ToString version of that item displays just..

How to have userfriendly names for enumerations? [duplicate]


here C# String enums 27 answers Localizing enum descriptions attributes 8 answers I have an enumeration like Enum..

Data bind enum properties to grid and display description


solution would be more widely applicable . I want the descriptions to appear rather than the enum names. How can I accomplish this.. works for DataGridView just add in your code to read the descriptions via reflection etc I've just used a string prefix for now to..

format of for loops


for C# . Section Program execution §1 The semantic descriptions in this International Standard describe the behavior of an abstract..

When should I use attribute in C#?


are exposed in a Web service Attributes allow us to add descriptions to classes properties and methods at design time that can then..

Getting Serial Port Information


0 I would like to add the port descriptions similar to what are shown for the COM ports in the Device Manager.. . Does anyone have any suggestions for adding the port descriptions I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition .NET 2.0..

How can a Windows Service start a process when a Timer event is raised?


share improve this question You're adding descriptions of the problem in the comments as you go along that would have..

How should anonymous types be used in C#?


should anonymous types be used in C# I've seen lots of descriptions how anonymous types work but I'm not sure how they're really..

Change Attribute's parameter at runtime


I can't change the code . But now I found that the above descriptions are not accurate and I want to change the change me category..

Localizing enum descriptions attributes


enum descriptions attributes What is the best way to localize enumeration descriptions.. attributes What is the best way to localize enumeration descriptions in .net See Adding descriptions to enumeration constants for.. to localize enumeration descriptions in .net See Adding descriptions to enumeration constants for enum description example Ideally..

How do you bind an Enum to a DropDownList control in ASP.NET?


can I bind this enum to a DropDownList control so that the descriptions are displayed in the list as well as retrieve the associated..

Attributes in C#


One role of a .NET compiler is to generate metadata descriptions for all defined and referenced types. In addition to this standard..

P/Invoke tutorials?


order by category and by Windows Release all with descriptions of what they do what they return and the flag options that control..