

c# Programming Glossary: description

Using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to deserialize Json to a C# POCO class


Badge JsonProperty name public string Name JsonProperty description public string Description JsonProperty created public string..

Enum type constraints in C# [duplicate]


to do in theory . public static T GetEnum T this string description where T Enum ... c# .net enums share improve this question..

How to wait for thread to finish with .NET?


instead The answer to this question has a very clear description of your options with this method. Delegate Events on the wrong..

Getting attributes of Enum's value


enum type produce 2 tuples of enum string value and its description. Value was easy Array Values System.Enum.GetValues typeof FunkyAttributesEnum.. typeof FunkyAttributesEnum Value But how do I get description attribute's value to populate Tuple.Desc I can think of how.. .GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false var description DescriptionAttribute attributes 0 .Description share improve..

Deserializing XML to Objects in C#


this todo list id type integer # id id name # name name description # description description project id type integer # project_id.. id type integer # id id name # name name description # description description project id type integer # project_id project id.. integer # id id name # name name description # description description project id type integer # project_id project id milestone id..

Get List of connected USB Devices


USBDeviceInfo string deviceID string pnpDeviceID string description this.DeviceID deviceID this.PnpDeviceID pnpDeviceID this.Description.. deviceID this.PnpDeviceID pnpDeviceID this.Description description public string DeviceID get private set public string PnpDeviceID..

How to embed a text file in a .NET assembly?


do it for you . If something was unclear about the above description please leave a comment and I'll edit it until it is complete..

Get Enum from Description attribute [duplicate]


EnumEx public static T GetValueFromDescription T string description var type typeof T if type.IsEnum throw new InvalidOperationException.. if attribute null if attribute.Description description return T field.GetValue null else if field.Name description.. return T field.GetValue null else if field.Name description return T field.GetValue null throw new ArgumentException..

Enum ToString


false if attrs null attrs.Length 0 Pull out the description value return DescriptionAttribute attrs 0 .Description If.. DescriptionAttribute attrs 0 .Description If we have no description attribute just return the ToString of the enum return enumerationValue.ToString..

Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>?


lambda is some constant some parameter . You can use this description to convert it to an actual method with Expression.Compile or..

Which cryptographic hash function should I choose?


This is the benchmark I used static void TimeAction string description int iterations Action func var watch new Stopwatch watch.Start.. for int i 0 i iterations i func watch.Stop Console.Write description Console.WriteLine Time Elapsed 0 ms watch.ElapsedMilliseconds..

check whether Internet connection is available with C#


extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState out int Description int ReservedValue Creating a function that uses the API function.....

Getting attributes of Enum's value


suppose I have the following enum enum FunkyAttributesEnum Description Name With Spaces1 NameWithoutSpaces1 Description Name With Spaces2.. Description Name With Spaces1 NameWithoutSpaces1 Description Name With Spaces2 NameWithoutSpaces2 What I want is given the.. var attributes memInfo 0 .GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false var description DescriptionAttribute attributes..

How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService?


class AddressClassification public int Code public string Description The web service works great with using SOAP XML but I can't.. address data 2 City Bonn State NRW Zip 53353 Code 123 Description bla bla then give as a parameter of ajax request request .toJSON..

How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2?


clear add name MyMembershipProvider applicationName MyApp Description My Membership Provider passwordFormat Clear connectionStringName..

Get List of connected USB Devices


usbDevices Console.WriteLine Device ID 0 PNP Device ID 1 Description 2 usbDevice.DeviceID usbDevice.PnpDeviceID usbDevice.Description.. 2 usbDevice.DeviceID usbDevice.PnpDeviceID usbDevice.Description Console.Read static List USBDeviceInfo GetUSBDevices List.. PNPDeviceID string device.GetPropertyValue Description collection.Dispose return devices class USBDeviceInfo public..

Get Enum from Description attribute [duplicate]


Enum from Description attribute duplicate Possible Duplicate Finding an enum value.. duplicate Possible Duplicate Finding an enum value by its Description Attribute I have a generic extension method which gets the Description.. Attribute I have a generic extension method which gets the Description attribute from an Enum enum Animal Description NotSet 0 Description..

parse and execute JS by C#


exceptionInfo.bstrSource exceptionInfo.bstrDescription lineNumber characterPosition sourceLine LastException.Column.. LastException.Column characterPosition LastException.Description exceptionInfo.bstrDescription LastException.Line lineNumber.. LastException.Description exceptionInfo.bstrDescription LastException.Line lineNumber LastException.Number exceptionInfo.scode..

Enum ToString


c# enums tostring share improve this question I use the Description attribute from the System.ComponentModel namespace. Simply decorate.. Simply decorate the enum private enum PublishStatusses Description Not Completed NotCompleted Completed Error Then use this code.. Then use this code to retrieve it public static string GetDescription T this T enumerationValue where T struct Type type enumerationValue.GetType..

Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable?


using var reader ObjectReader.Create data Id Name Description table.Load reader Yes this is pretty much the exact opposite.. F i 2 RunTest foos Vanilla Hyper.ComponentModel.HyperTypeDescriptionProvider.Add typeof MyData RunTest foos Hyper Console.ReadLine..

“The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks”


because the control contains code blocks i.e. ... . Description An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the..