

c# Programming Glossary: descendants

C#: Overriding return types


that I have an interface with an abstract base class and descendants of that. I would like to do this ok not really but as an example..

Protobuf attributes with a hierarchy of generic classes


string Result get set I also have about 150 auto generated descendants of generic Query with a large variety of generic types. For..

Hierarchy Problem -> Replace Recursion with Linq Join?


item.ID parentID select item If you want to select all descendants of a node this is not possible with LINQ because it requires.. self referencing tables CodeProject T SQL How to get all descendants of a given element in a hierarchical table StackOverflow Expressing..

Understanding Linq To Xml - Descendants return no results


doc.Descendants TransactionInformationType selects all descendants in the XDocument that have element name TransactionInformationType..

Partial generic type inference possible in C#?


if I can avoid having to duplicate the methods for the two descendants and in some way declare them only once for the base class. Let..

The C# conditional operator gets confused, but why? [duplicate]


cast implicitly 3 answers Assume two classes both descendants of the same superclass like this class MySuperClass class A..

How to use LINQ to select all descendants of a composite object


to use LINQ to select all descendants of a composite object How can I make ComponentTraversal.GetDescendants.. How can I do this better using LINQ IList Component descendants new Component foreach var child in composite.Children descendants.Add.. new Component foreach var child in composite.Children descendants.Add child if child is Composite descendants.AddRange child..

Expressing recursion in LINQ


the best way to distinguish between from item in immediate descendants of current node where ... select item versus from item in all.. current node where ... select item versus from item in all descendants of current node where ... select item Edit please note neither.. Descendants and DescendantsNode correspond to XPath's descendants axis returning either an XElement or an XNode. The exception..

Parsing HTML page with HtmlAgilityPack


htmlDoc.LoadHtml html 1. Simple LINQ We could use the Descendants method passing the name of an element we are in search of var.. we are in search of var inputs htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants input foreach var input in inputs Console.WriteLine input.Attributes.. fancier LINQ var inputs from input in htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants input where input.Attributes class .Value box select input foreach..

Understanding Linq To Xml - Descendants return no results


Linq To Xml Descendants return no results I'm a completly New to Linq2XML as I code.. below select c in the Watch window you can see that doc.Descendants TransactionInformationType returns nothing at all and seeing.. remote payment var trans from item in doc.Descendants ns TransactionInformationType select new TransactionInformationType..

Use Linq to Xml with Xml namespaces


theXml var elements from data in xmlElements.Descendants Result select new TheBool bool data.Element TheBool TheId.. share improve this question LINQ to XML methods like Descendants and Element take an XName as an argument. There is a conversion.. this by adding an XNamespace before the strings in your Descendants and Element calls. Watch out because you have 2 different namespaces..

how to get all controls of win form?


question With recursion... public static IEnumerable T Descendants T this Control control where T class foreach Control child in.. T childOfT if child.HasChildren foreach T descendant in Descendants T child yield return descendant You can use the above function.. use the above function like var checkBox from c in myForm.Descendants CheckBox where c.TabIndex 9 select c .FirstOrDefault That..

Query an XDocument for elements by name at any depth


with a particular name at any depth using LINQ. When I use Descendants element_name I only get elements that are direct children of.. c# .net xml linq xdocument share improve this question Descendants should work absolutely fine. Here's an example using System.. doc XDocument.Parse xml foreach XElement element in doc.Descendants grandchild Console.WriteLine element Results grandchild id..

Searching a tree using LINQ


provide a non recursive answer. static IEnumerable Node Descendants this Node root var nodes new Stack Node new root while nodes.Any.. n Use this expression for example to use it root.Descendants .Where node node.Key SomeSpecialKey share improve this answer..

Expressing recursion in LINQ


used with Node appended. For instance there are functions Descendants and DescendantsNode correspond to XPath's descendants axis returning.. appended. For instance there are functions Descendants and DescendantsNode correspond to XPath's descendants axis returning either..