

c# Programming Glossary: descendent

Practical usage of virtual functions in c#


class you want a certain behaviour for a method. If your descendent uses the same method but has a different implementation you.. class will it work If you use the override keyword in your descendent classes it will not work. You will generate compiler error CS0506.. in derived class No if you don't override the method the descendent class will use method it is inheriting from. share improve..

overriding protected internal with protected!


to yourself to anyone living in House and to any of your descendents. So the people who can access the bank account are Asad Charlie.. does not get access because he is neither you nor your descendent nor is he living in House. That he is a child of your housemate.. not get access to your bank account either. He is not your descendent. He does not live in House. The fact that he is living with..

How can I resolve the schemaLocation attribute of an .XSD when all of my .XSD's are stored as resources?


this issue pun intended by creating my own XmlUrlResolver descendent called XmlResourceResolver based on the XmlResolver class example..