

c# Programming Glossary: descending

C# find most recent file in dir


from f in directory.GetFiles orderby f.LastWriteTime descending select f .First or... var myFile directory.GetFiles .OrderByDescending..

Why won't this LINQ join statement work?


s in itemScores on i.Id equals s._id orderby s._score descending select new ItemSearchResult i s._score this fails return result.ToList.. where requiredScoreIds.Contains i.Id orderby s._score descending select i .AsEnumerable Now do the join in memory to get the.. where requiredScoreIds.Contains i.Id orderby s._score descending select i .AsEnumerable Create a map from score ID to actual..

How do I sort a two-dimensional array in C#?


column DataRow sortedrows dt.Select 3 sort by column name descending sortedrows dt.Select COLUMN3 DESC You could also write your..

Get the property, as a string, from an Expression<Func<TModel,TProperty>>


Indicates if the sorting should be ascending or descending param param name priority Indicates the sorting priority where.. This indicates if the sorting should be ascending or descending. summary public bool IsAscending get set summary This indicates..

How do I apply OrderBy on an IQueryable using a string column name within a generic extension method?


put the generic placeholder where it should be . Edit For descending order pass in OrderByDescending instead of OrderBy MethodCallExpression..

ascending/descending in LINQ - can one change the order via parameter?


descending in LINQ can one change the order via parameter I have a method.. dataList orderby data.Property ascending select data var descendingQuery from data in dataList orderby data.Property descending.. from data in dataList orderby data.Property descending select data As you can see both queries differ only in ascending..

Sortable JqGrid using LINQ to MySQL (DbLinq) and Dynamic LINQ - Orderby doesn't work


from x in repository orderby propertyInfo.GetValue x null descending select x from x in repository orderby propertyInfo.GetValue.. 0 from x in repository orderby fieldInfo.GetValue x null descending select x from x in repository orderby fieldInfo.GetValue x..

Join and Include in Entity Framework


from t in i.Tags where t.Text text orderby i.CreatedDate descending select i Is there any other way to ask this query Maybe split.. where i.Tags.Any t t.Text text orderby i.CreatedDate descending select i Untested as I don't have your DB model Here's a really..

How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ


group xx by xx into g let count g.Count orderby count descending select new Count count gameName g.Key.gameName gameID.. list group x by x into g let count g.Count orderby count descending select new Value g.Key Count count foreach var x in q Console.WriteLine.. group x by x.Name into g let count g.Count orderby count descending select new Name g.Key Count count ID g.First .ID foreach var..