

c# Programming Glossary: descriptionattribute

Getting attributes of Enum's value


var attributes memInfo 0 .GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false var description DescriptionAttribute attributes 0 .Description..

Can we define implicit conversions of enums in c#?


as well as adding methods to return the value of DescriptionAttributes declared names etc etc. I wrote a base class RichEnum to handle.. from reflection summary private string _name summary The DescriptionAttribute if any linked to the declaring field summary private DescriptionAttribute.. if any linked to the declaring field summary private DescriptionAttribute _descriptionAttribute summary Reverse lookup to convert values..

How to get C# Enum description from value? [duplicate]


value FieldInfo fi value.GetType .GetField value.ToString DescriptionAttribute attributes DescriptionAttribute fi.GetCustomAttributes typeof.. .GetField value.ToString DescriptionAttribute attributes DescriptionAttribute fi.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false if.. DescriptionAttribute fi.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false if attributes null attributes.Length 0 return attributes..

Finding an enum value by its Description Attribute [duplicate]


field in fields if field.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false .Count 0 if DescriptionAttribute field.GetCustomAttributes.. typeof DescriptionAttribute false .Count 0 if DescriptionAttribute field.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false.. if DescriptionAttribute field.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false 0 .Description descriptionToMatch But then I'm stuck..

Get Enum from Description attribute [duplicate]


FieldInfo field value.GetType .GetField value.ToString DescriptionAttribute attribute Attribute.GetCustomAttribute field typeof DescriptionAttribute.. attribute Attribute.GetCustomAttribute field typeof DescriptionAttribute as DescriptionAttribute return attribute null value.ToString.. field typeof DescriptionAttribute as DescriptionAttribute return attribute null value.ToString attribute.Description so..

MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums


item.ToString var attribute fi.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute true .FirstOrDefault var title attribute null item.ToString.. .FirstOrDefault var title attribute null item.ToString DescriptionAttribute attribute .Description var listItem new SelectListItem Value..

Enum ToString


must be of Enum type enumerationValue Tries to find a DescriptionAttribute for a potential friendly name for the enum MemberInfo memberInfo.. 0 object attrs memberInfo 0 .GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute false if attrs null attrs.Length 0 Pull out the description.. attrs.Length 0 Pull out the description value return DescriptionAttribute attrs 0 .Description If we have no description attribute..

How do I have an enum bound combobox with custom string formatting for enum values?


ToString a method is described to use the custom attribute DescriptionAttribute like this Enum HowNice Description Really Nice ReallyNice Description..