

c# Programming Glossary: depth

C# object dumper


element 0 public static void Write object element int depth Write element depth Console.Out public static void Write object.. static void Write object element int depth Write element depth Console.Out public static void Write object element int depth.. Console.Out public static void Write object element int depth TextWriter log ObjectDumper dumper new ObjectDumper depth dumper.writer..

Distinct not working with LINQ to Objects


args List Book books new List Book new Book Name C# in depth Authors new List Author new Author FirstName Jon LastName..

Enumerating Collections that are not inherently IEnumerable?


technique . The results speak for themselves. The depth of the tree has only marginal impact on the performance of the..

Which C# 4.0 Book would you purchase, and why? [closed]


related languages. So I'm generally looking for in depth books. I also train instruct the rest of my organisation generally..

A call to PInvoke function '[…]' has unbalanced the stack


below TEngine GCreateEngine int width int height int depth int deviceType And here is my function in C# DllImport Engine.dll.. static extern IntPtr CreateEngine int width int height int depth int device When I debug into C I see all arguments just fine..

C# vs Java generics [duplicate]


and reflection. Again the provided link has a much more in depth breakdown I encourage you to read share improve this answer..

implicit vs explicit interface implementation [duplicate]


why one would need to use them Can you also explain in depth how to use them. Thanks c# .net interface share improve this..

When should I use double instead of decimal?


the Wikipedia article . Finally if you want a seriously in depth and mathematical discussion of floating point numbers operations..

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?


could post Edit I changed the answer this one is more in depth. c# enums flags share improve this question The flags attribute..

Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#?


while providing too little benefit . For a more fun and in depth read there are some articles available on the web with interviews..

Performance surprise with “as” and nullable types


and nullable types I'm just revising chapter 4 of C# in Depth which deals with nullable types and I'm adding a section about..

What does the ? mean after a type? [duplicate]


the framework side of things. Or read chapter 4 of C# in Depth Unfortunately it's not one of the free chapters. This question..

Which C# 4.0 Book would you purchase, and why? [closed]


you buy the MEAP Early Access Edition of Jon Skeet's C# in Depth 2nd edition which is updated to include C# 4.0 In addition to..

Get an IDataReader from a typed List


throw new NotImplementedException public virtual int Depth get throw new NotImplementedException public virtual bool..

How is Generic Covariance & Contra-variance Implemented in C# 4.0?


List object . How could that be In Jon Skeet's book C# in Depth it is explained why C# generics doesn't support covariance and..

What are the correct version numbers for C#?


runtime and framework versions is available on the C# in Depth site. This includes information about which features of C# 3.0..

When to use closure? [closed]


java closures here or for more detail see his book C# in Depth which has an entire chapter on them. share improve this answer..

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it


so no exceptions will rise. If you are interested in In Depth details you can always reflect base libraries with Reflector..

List of new features in C#2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 [closed]


of the early access version of the second edition of C# in Depth . It skips C# 1 but goes into detail on every feature of C#..

ANTLR 3.3 C# Tutorials? [closed]


class MainClass public static void Preorder ITree Tree int Depth if Tree null return for int i 0 i Depth i Console.Write.. ITree Tree int Depth if Tree null return for int i 0 i Depth i Console.Write Console.WriteLine Tree Preorder Tree.GetChild.. Console.WriteLine Tree Preorder Tree.GetChild 0 Depth 1 Preorder Tree.GetChild 1 Depth 1 public static void Main string..

With block equivalent in C#?


value1 Property2 value2 etc See chapter 8 of C# in Depth for more details you can download it for free from Manning's..

What does ? (question mark) after a type name mean in C#? [duplicate]


see the Nullable T documentation. Or chapter 4 of C# in Depth of course. EDIT Okay just to satisfy Mr Disappointment... Nullable..

Multi value Dictionary


that as your value. I have an example of one in my C# in Depth source code . Reproduced here for simplicity using System using..

What are 'closures' in C#? [duplicate]


Skeet blogs. I am sure you will be able to get a more In Depth breakdown from at least one of them.... share improve this..

Breadth First Vs Depth First


First Vs Depth First When Traversing a Tree Graph what is the difference between.. Graph what is the difference between Breadth First and Depth first Any coding or pseudocode examples would be great. c#..

regex embedded {{ matching


# now match... ^ # any characters except braces # or DEPTH # a increasing the depth counter # or DEPTH # a decreasing.. # or DEPTH # a increasing the depth counter # or DEPTH # a decreasing the depth counter # any number of times DEPTH.. # a decreasing the depth counter # any number of times DEPTH # until the depth counter is zero again # then match the closing..

How to “flatten” or “index” 3D-array in 1D array?


width is just as large as height . Is it just x y WIDTH Z DEPTH I am pretty bad with math and I am just beginning 3D programming.. the same. If you have a 3D array Original HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH then you could turn it into Flat HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH by Flat.. WIDTH DEPTH then you could turn it into Flat HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH by Flat x WIDTH y DEPTH z Original x y z As an aside you should..