

c# Programming Glossary: derivative

(Attempting to) migrate from WSE 3.0 to WCF for client code


get it to work . I don't need to use certificates. I use a derivative of SecurityPolicyAssertion and wrap it in a Policy object that..

What is the best scripting language to embed in a C# desktop application? [closed]


meant VBA which is still an option but the managed code derivative VSTA I think seems to have withered on the vine. What is now..

C# WCF: When is it appropriate to use the KnownType attribute?


has references of a base class type and there are up cast derivative classes that could be set to those references Moreover are there..

Are .Net switch statements hashed or indexed?


so thought I'd check if this is the case or not. This is a derivative question from my recent one http stackoverflow.com questions..

Mathematical Derivation with C#?


improve this question You can't calculate the exact derivative of a function using a computer program unless you're doing symbolic.. . There are several approaches to computing a numerical derivative of a function. The simplest is the centered three point method.. double arg Then you need a routing that evaluates the derivative public double h 10e 6 I'm not sure if this is valid C# I'm used..

Difference between Barrier in C# 4.0 and WaitHandle in C# 3.0?


a Barrier would be preferred over a WaitHandle WaitForAll derivative Both can achieve a similar goal if structured properly. I'm..