

c# Programming Glossary: derivedclass

Get derived class type from a base's class static method


BaseClass static void Ping Type t this.GetType should be DerivedClass but it is not possible with a static method class DerivedClass.. but it is not possible with a static method class DerivedClass BaseClass somewhere in the code DerivedClass.Ping c# generics.. method class DerivedClass BaseClass somewhere in the code DerivedClass.Ping c# generics reflection inheritance share improve this..

Overriding vs method hiding [duplicate]


virtual void WriteStr Console.WriteLine abc public class DerivedClass BaseClass public new void WriteNum Console.WriteLine 42 public.. isReallyBase new BaseClass BaseClass isReallyDerived new DerivedClass DerivedClass isClearlyDerived new DerivedClass isReallyBase.WriteNum.. new BaseClass BaseClass isReallyDerived new DerivedClass DerivedClass isClearlyDerived new DerivedClass isReallyBase.WriteNum writes..