

c# Programming Glossary: derived2

Generic type parameter covariance and multiple interface implementations


this class hierarchy class Base class Derived1 Base class Derived2 Base Then I can implement the interface twice on a single class.. implementation class DoubleDown IGeneric Derived1 IGeneric Derived2 string IGeneric Derived1 .GetName return Derived1 string IGeneric.. IGeneric Derived1 .GetName return Derived1 string IGeneric Derived2 .GetName return Derived2 If I use the non generic DoubleDown..

What is allowed in Visual Basic that's prohibited in C# (or vice versa)?


sub Foo other as Base other.m_x 2 end sub end class class Derived2 inherits Base end class Because a Derived1 is a base it can.. something that is not a Derived1 it could for example be a Derived2 and so it does not allow access to m_x . share improve this..