

c# Programming Glossary: describing

Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker


exception share improve this question What you're describing is not the defined behavior of BackgroundWorker. You're doing..

Getting ServiceStack to retain type information


Inheritance in DTOs is a bad idea DTO's should be as self describing as possible and by using inheritance clients effectively have..

ServiceStack Request DTO design


Search verbs to signal that this is the case. Aim for self describing Service Contracts Also try to be descriptive with each of your.. properties are part of your public API and should be self describing as to what it does. E.g. Just by looking at the Service Contract..

What's the best way of accessing field in the enclosing class from the nested class?


need to pass a reference. Raymond Chen has an example describing the differences here C# nested classes are like C nested classes..

A dictionary object that uses ranges of values for keys


the appropriate data structure for the operations you are describing. If the intervals are required to never overlap then you can..

Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?


only describes behaviour and serves the purpose of describing a contractual obligation for classes implementing the interface..

Changing the cursor in WPF sometimes works, sometimes doesn't


What is the difference between casting and conversion? [duplicate]


I believe what Eric is trying to say is Casting is a term describing syntax hence the Syntactic meaning . Conversion is a term describing.. syntax hence the Syntactic meaning . Conversion is a term describing what actions are actually taken behind the scenes and thus the..

C# Dynamic Keyword ??Run-time penalty?


overload resolution and spits out an expression tree describing the lambda which adds together two ints. The DLR then compiles..

Re-entrant locks in C#


deadlock issues at some point . Here is one good webpage describing thread synchronisation in .NET http dotnetdebug.net 2005 07..

Case insensitive 'Contains(string)'


Where culture is the instance of CultureInfo describing the language that the text is written in. This solution is transparent..

To underscore or to not to underscore, that is the question


public void foo ... and public void Foo ... what you're describing isn't a problem because the private item isn't available to..

Quartz.NET, Recur Every x Weeks


to weeks and it fires every 2 weeks. I've written a post describing it here . You can access the source code documentation here..

C# naming convention for enum and matching property


type but its database. I would prefer it if you were describing the reader's database product which isn't necessarily relevant..

Is there any way to start a GUI application from a windows service on Windows 7?


Attributes in C#


to use such an item they will receive a compiler warning describing the error of their ways. Serializable Marks a class or structure..

Execute a string in C# 4.0


assembly in C# as a workaround. I also found this article describing how to do it. I read today about C# 4.0 features which bring..

How do I ZIP a file in C#, using no 3rd-party APIs?


side code can't open it ZipPackage adds a hidden file describing the content type of each component file and cannot open a zip..