

c# Programming Glossary: dereference

null objects vs. empty objects


provides a quick fix to a crash caused by the pointer dereference and there isn't a lot of time to investigate. To combat this..

How useful is C#'s ?? operator?


reference. IMHO what's needed much more than is a null dereference operator which allows you to chain long property and or method.. suggestion for the C# team to add a null dereference operator to the C# language. We get quite a number of requests.. or assigning temporary variables. Similar to Groovy's safe dereference operator . which returns null if the object is null and de references..

avoiding null reference exceptions


Many errors in modern programs manifest themselves as null dereference errors suggesting the importance of a programming language providing.. see 24 22 . In fact we would like to eradicate all null dereference errors. This is a likely source for people at Microsoft who..

Performance - using Guid object or Guid string as Key


is simpler just a few direct bytes. The string involves a dereference and lots more work. Of course you could profile p Evidence Searching..

Optimizing Lookups: Dictionary key lookups vs. Array index lookups


base_pointer offset size And then a pointer dereference. Performing a dictionary lookup is relatively complicated very..