

c# Programming Glossary: dereferencing

Bit fields in C#


that would enable me to access the bits using the struct dereferencing dot operator For a couple of structures I can just do bit shifting..

Strange behaviour of Console.ReadKey() with multithreading


You could either initialize the console yourself by dereferencing Console.Out or you would wait on an event after starting the..

Is there an “opposite” to the null coalescing operator? (?Šin any language?)


share improve this question There's the null safe dereferencing operator . in Groovy... I think that's what you're after. It's..

C# if-null-then-null expression


improve this question Something like Groovy's null safe dereferencing operator string zipCode customer .Address .ZipCode I gather..

Why does this code cause Excel to not close properly?


returns it. You then apply the indexer expression to it dereferencing the default Item property of that Range. To get another Range...

Extending the C# Coalesce Operator


a good name. Yes it would be better if C# had a null safe dereferencing operator like Groovy and some other languages share improve..

Why is memory access in the lowest address space (non-null though) reported as NullReferenceException by .NET?


instance variable or call a virtual method which requires dereferencing this kaboom then. The C# guarantee is very nice it makes diagnosing..

Are C# uninitalized variables dangerous?


no chance that the garbage collector will be tricked into dereferencing a bad pointer just because there was garbage left on the stack..