android Programming Glossary: widget
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] How can I do this android listview filter android widget share improve this question First you need to create an XML..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android . How can I do it using code not XML android android widget share improve this question I'm sorry that it's not the answer..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) far as I can find out there is no way to specify that your widgets should use a custom font e.g. one you've placed in assets font.. know that in the Java code I could change the font of each widget manually using unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over.. unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over all the widgets in Java to make this change but this would probably be very..
Focusable EditText inside ListView or added as a header view that contains an EditText widget and a Button. All I want to do is be able to use the jogball.. false caused focus to jump from the EditText to another widget outside of the ListView back to the ListView and displayed the..
What does android:layout_weight mean? tell me more about it android android layout android widget share improve this question With layout_weight you can specify..
Android Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their.. lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their lock screens and allows them to interact.. the only thing I found was apps that will take home screen widgets and put them on the lock screen for you. Any clues on where..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TableLayout import android.widget.TextView public class appwig.. import android.widget.TableLayout import android.widget.TextView public class appwig extends Activity @Override public.. 0 Why eof method eof class android layout android widget lifecycle measure share improve this question I believe the..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker can be toggled by exploiting a bug in the power manager widget. see this xda thread for discussion. here's some example code.. poke.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE.. poke.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor.. I also need to make some changes to the properties of the widgets elements in each row as I am unable to select a row with touch.. 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.ImageView.resolveUri 484 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android breaking widget layout for Android I'm trying to create an activity that presents.. is such that it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup.. of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? for turning on off camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns on off your camera led then you must refer my answer..
Launching activity from widget doesn't work. Here is the code public class VolumeChangerWidget extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context.. is the code public class VolumeChangerWidget extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager.. AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length..
How to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget? to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget I loaded some images into a gallery. Now I'm able to scroll..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone You could just look at the source code for the Current Widget. It has hard coded path's to where certain platforms store the.. c 2010 2011 Ran Manor This file is part of CurrentWidget. CurrentWidget is free software you can redistribute it and.. 2011 Ran Manor This file is part of CurrentWidget. CurrentWidget is free software you can redistribute it and or modify it under..
Processing more than one button click at Android Widget more than one button click at Android Widget I saw this topic and implement IntentService as describes but.. me new ComponentName this ExampleProvider.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget.. this ExampleProvider.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget me buildUpdate..
Clickable widgets in android which only creates a static widget public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context.. widget public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager.. AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure.. Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started.. I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure activity and I set it..
Android Lock Screen Widget Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets..
Developing a custom lock screen [duplicate] question already has an answer here Android Lock Screen Widget 3 answers I want to develop custom lock screen app that..
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? guideline In this link which shows you how to build an AppWidget you can see the following code Get the layout for the App Widget.. you can see the following code Get the layout for the App Widget and attach an on click listener to the button RemoteViews views.. and then you just have to update the widget itself appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views NOTE The updatePeriodMillis..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? covedesigndev http p search light Update 3 Widget for turning on off camera led If you want to develop a widget.. turns on off your camera led then you must refer my answer Widget for turning on off camera flashlight in android .. Update 4..
Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android for turning on off camera flashlight in android I am developing.. method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context.. public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager..
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? installation and in fact I can see it listed in the Widget Preview app and I can run it there and it seems fine but it.. and it seems fine but it doesn't show up anywhere under Widgets I can't actually find it to drag it to the home screen I assume.. receiver like so receiver android name .VolumeProfilesWidget android label @string app_name intent filter action android..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] closed I want a nice looking filter for my ListView in Android. How can I do this android listview filter android widget share improve this question First you need to create an XML layout that has both an EditText and a ListView. LinearLayout..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android I want to change its progress color which is Yellow by default . How can I do it using code not XML android android widget share improve this question I'm sorry that it's not the answer but what's driving the requirement setting it from code..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) to define a GUI layout using XML files in Android. As far as I can find out there is no way to specify that your widgets should use a custom font e.g. one you've placed in assets font in XML files and you can only use the system installed fonts... files and you can only use the system installed fonts. I know that in the Java code I could change the font of each widget manually using unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over all the widgets in Java to make this change but this would.. Java code I could change the font of each widget manually using unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over all the widgets in Java to make this change but this would probably be very slow. What other options do I have Is there any better ways..
Focusable EditText inside ListView is some row in a ListView whether it's generated by the adapter or added as a header view that contains an EditText widget and a Button. All I want to do is be able to use the jogball arrows to navigate the selector to individual items like normal.. those calls I got the correct behavior but setItemsCanFocus false caused focus to jump from the EditText to another widget outside of the ListView back to the ListView and displayed the selector on the next selected item and that jumping focus..
What does android:layout_weight mean? mean I don't understand how to use this attribute. Can anyone tell me more about it android android layout android widget share improve this question With layout_weight you can specify a size ratio between multiple views. E.g. you have a MapView..
Android Lock Screen Widget Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their lock screens and allows them to interact with the app. I haven't.. Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their lock screens and allows them to interact with the app. I haven't been able to find any official documentation.. been able to find any official documentation for this the only thing I found was apps that will take home screen widgets and put them on the lock screen for you. Any clues on where I learn more about building true lock screen widgets android..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero test program I used in Debug to check the results import import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TableLayout import android.widget.TextView public class appwig extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. the results import import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TableLayout import android.widget.TextView public class appwig extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof class android layout android widget lifecycle measure share improve this question I believe the OP is long gone but in case this answer is able to help future..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker this android gps share improve this question the GPS can be toggled by exploiting a bug in the power manager widget. see this xda thread for discussion. here's some example code i use private void turnGPSOn String provider Settings.Secure.getString.. gps if gps is disabled final Intent poke new Intent poke.setClassName poke.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE poke.setData Uri.parse 3 sendBroadcast poke private.. gps if gps is enabled final Intent poke new Intent poke.setClassName poke.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE poke.setData Uri.parse 3 sendBroadcast poke use..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object back to the listview activity to the result handler to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty simple but I am.. I can resize on the fly bit wise This would be preferable as I also need to make some changes to the properties of the widgets elements in each row as I am unable to select a row with touch screen because of focus issue. I can use roller ball. I.. 729 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.ImageView.resolveUri 484 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.ImageView.setImageURI..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android breaking widget layout for Android I'm trying to create an activity that presents some data to the user. The data is such that it can be.. an activity that presents some data to the user. The data is such that it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for.. can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a 'sentence' would exceed the available horizontal space on the..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? http p search light Update 3 Widget for turning on off camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns on off your camera led then you must refer my answer Widget for turning on off camera flashlight in android ....
Launching activity from widget as well but I must be missing something important as it doesn't work. Here is the code public class VolumeChangerWidget extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final.. I must be missing something important as it doesn't work. Here is the code public class VolumeChangerWidget extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length.. Here is the code public class VolumeChangerWidget extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length for int i 0 i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds..
How to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget? to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget I loaded some images into a gallery. Now I'm able to scroll but once started scrolling the scrolling won't stop. I would..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone if I am wrong. android battery share improve this question You could just look at the source code for the Current Widget. It has hard coded path's to where certain platforms store the current values. Copyright c 2010 2011 Ran Manor This file.. to where certain platforms store the current values. Copyright c 2010 2011 Ran Manor This file is part of CurrentWidget. CurrentWidget is free software you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.. certain platforms store the current values. Copyright c 2010 2011 Ran Manor This file is part of CurrentWidget. CurrentWidget is free software you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published..
Processing more than one button click at Android Widget more than one button click at Android Widget I saw this topic and implement IntentService as describes but what if I want more that one button How can I distinguish.. @Override public void onHandleIntent Intent intent ComponentName me new ComponentName this ExampleProvider.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget me buildUpdate this private RemoteViews buildUpdate.. onHandleIntent Intent intent ComponentName me new ComponentName this ExampleProvider.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget me buildUpdate this private RemoteViews buildUpdate Context context RemoteViews..
Clickable widgets in android should contain the only other hint being the API demos which only creates a static widget public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds.. other hint being the API demos which only creates a static widget public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length.. static widget public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length Perform this loop procedure for each App Widget..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the.. Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure activity and I set it up by making.. Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure activity and I set it up by making a custom call to the widgetprovider which you..
Android Lock Screen Widget Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their..
Developing a custom lock screen [duplicate] a custom lock screen duplicate This question already has an answer here Android Lock Screen Widget 3 answers I want to develop custom lock screen app that looks like iPhone's lock screen. Are there are any tutorials..
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? There is some rules to follow though. See this link for guideline In this link which shows you how to build an AppWidget you can see the following code Get the layout for the App Widget and attach an on click listener to the button RemoteViews.. In this link which shows you how to build an AppWidget you can see the following code Get the layout for the App Widget and attach an on click listener to the button RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.appwidget_provider_layout.. it. views.setTextViewText Integer.toString count and then you just have to update the widget itself appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views NOTE The updatePeriodMillis doesnt allow the widget to request an update more than..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? p droidled Another Open Source Code http p covedesigndev http p search light Update 3 Widget for turning on off camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns on off your camera led then you must refer my answer.. on off camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns on off your camera led then you must refer my answer Widget for turning on off camera flashlight in android .. Update 4 If you want to set intensity of light emerging from camera LED..
Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android for turning on off camera flashlight in android I am developing a widget for turning on off camera led of phone. I have.. can look at the code below that i have done so far onUpdate method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds remoteViews new RemoteViews.. code below that i have done so far onUpdate method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName..
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? up the 4.0 emulator ran it from Eclipse it reported a successful installation and in fact I can see it listed in the Widget Preview app and I can run it there and it seems fine but it doesn't show up anywhere under Widgets I can't actually find.. see it listed in the Widget Preview app and I can run it there and it seems fine but it doesn't show up anywhere under Widgets I can't actually find it to drag it to the home screen I assume this is the same thing the user is seeing. Any idea what's.. will appear on the launcher. So first we have ye olde widget receiver like so receiver android name .VolumeProfilesWidget android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE Broadcast Receiver..