android Programming Glossary: widget.holo.actionbar
Android Actionbar navigation spinner text color the textColor style name MyActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background color_actionbar item item name..
Show ImageView partly behind transparent ActionBar item style style name ActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background #64000000 item style But how can..
How can I change the style of action bar API 15 backgrounds style name MyActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background @drawable ab_background item item..
ActionBar background image utf 8 resources style name ActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background @drawable actionbar_background..
How to style the menu items on an Android action bar item style style name MyActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android titleTextStyle @style MyActionBar.TitleTextStyle..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? in ICS Tried setting a custom theme with android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar as parent. However settings such as the one below has no effect.. need to create a custom style for your action bar based on Widget.Holo.ActionBar or Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar or the .Solid variants and set.. item style style name MyActionBar parent android Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background @drawable your_background_here..
Android Actionbar navigation spinner text color textColor is not changed. I also tried other ways to change the textColor style name MyActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background color_actionbar item item name android titleTextStyle @style myTheme.ActionBar.Text item style..
Show ImageView partly behind transparent ActionBar item name android actionBarStyle @style ActionBar item style style name ActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background #64000000 item style But how can I show my ImageView behind the ActionBar android actionbarsherlock..
How can I change the style of action bar API 15 and action bar styles here style style for the action bar backgrounds style name MyActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background @drawable ab_background item item name android backgroundStacked @drawable ab_background item..
ActionBar background image following Content of styles.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name ActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background @drawable actionbar_background item style style name MyTheme parent @android style Theme.Holo.Light..
How to style the menu items on an Android action bar item name android actionBarStyle @style MyActionBar item style style name MyActionBar parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android titleTextStyle @style MyActionBar.TitleTextStyle item item name android actionMenuTextAppearance @style..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? divider. How can I remove or style the divider of the ActionBar in ICS Tried setting a custom theme with android style Widget.Holo.ActionBar as parent. However settings such as the one below has no effect item name android divider #FFFFFF item android android.. the default Holo Dark theme. To remove this line you'll need to create a custom style for your action bar based on Widget.Holo.ActionBar or Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar or the .Solid variants and set the android background to something that doesn't include the.. Theme.Holo item name android actionBarStyle @style MyActionBar item style style name MyActionBar parent android Widget.Holo.ActionBar item name android background @drawable your_background_here item style Note Holo Dark Light action bars have solid and transparent..