android Programming Glossary: widget.textview
How to set default font family for entire Android app item item name android buttonStyle @style RobotoButtonStyle item style style name RobotoTextViewStyle parent android Widget.TextView item name android fontFamily sans serif light item style style name RobotoButtonStyle parent android Widget.Holo.Button..
Setting global styles for Views in Android Theme item name android textViewStyle @style MyTextViewStyle item style style name MyTextViewStyle parent android Widget.TextView item name android textColor #F00 item item name android textStyle bold item style resources Then just apply that theme to..
What are the default font caracteristics in Android? the default style of the widgets here android res values styles.xml Then looking for Textview you reach style name Widget.TextView item name android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceSmall item style and after researching a little bit you find..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column 2dip item item name android layout_width fill_parent item style style name TextViewStandard parent @android style Widget.TextView item name android layout_height wrap_content item item name android layout_marginLeft 2dip item item name android layout_marginRight..
Android: application-wide font-size preference textSize attr font_large Or I prefer using styles in values styles.xml add style name Label parent @android style Widget.TextView item name android textSize attr font_medium item item name android layout_width wrap_content item item name android layout_height..
Right justify text in AlertDialog file. Here its content xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name RightJustifyTextView parent @android style Widget.TextView item name android gravity right center_vertical item style style name RightJustifyDialogWindowTitle parent @android style..