android Programming Glossary: width
How to get screen dimensions from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m.. Point size new Point display.getSize size int width size.x int height size.y If you're not in an Activity you can.. Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] route overlay. private static final int ALPHA 120 Stroke width. private static final float STROKE 4.5f Route path. private..
Standard Android Button with a different color @color yellow2 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp.. @color orange5 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp.. @color blue25 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? id yellowLineGreenPoly LineStyle color 7f00ffff color width 4 width LineStyle PolyStyle color 7f00ff00 color PolyStyle Style.. yellowLineGreenPoly LineStyle color 7f00ffff color width 4 width LineStyle PolyStyle color 7f00ff00 color PolyStyle Style Placemark..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds int top int right int bottom if changed mNeedsResize int widthLimit right left getCompoundPaddingLeft getCompoundPaddingRight.. getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed left top right bottom.. left top right bottom Resize the text size with default width and height public void resizeText int heightLimit getHeight..
how to get select area which cover by canvas in android mPaint.setStrokeCap Paint.Cap.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeWidth 3 this.setOnTouchListener new View.OnTouchListener @Override.. Canvas System.err.println Display Rect Width rect.toString break default break return true @Override..
onMeasure custom view explanation int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int desiredWidth 100 int desiredHeight 100 int widthMode MeasureSpec.getMode.. heightMeasureSpec int width int height Measure Width if widthMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY Must be this size width widthSize.. Can't be bigger than... width Math.min desiredWidth widthSize else Be whatever you want width desiredWidth Measure..
MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump to experiment with other image types second set correct Width and Height for your bitmap correct dimensions can be found in..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? isLUp false if count 1 dx ev.getX dy ev.getY dx dx getWidth 2 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count.. dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx.. if isLUp ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 Log.i JO line2 ux uy secondX ux ..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? mainImage mDrawOnTop new DrawOnTop this mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight.. new DrawOnTop this mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight mDrawOnTop.mBitmap.. mDrawOnTop.mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 mDrawOnTop.mRGBData..
Can Android's WebView automatically resize huge images? It resizes all Images Greater than the Device Screen Width to the Screen Width. This works for both Orientations Portrait.. Images Greater than the Device Screen Width to the Screen Width. This works for both Orientations Portrait and Landscape webview.getSettings..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView? tried this out and it works for me int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth.. finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true ..
android get height width of ImageView on this question might help you int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth.. finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true ..
Get Screen width and height question Using this code you can get runtime Display's Width Height DisplayMetrics displaymetrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager..
How to get a Bitmap from a raw image file. These are the things I know about the image ~ Height Width ~ Total size in bytes ~ 8 bit grayscale ~ 1 byte pixel I'm trying.. BitmapFactory.Options opt.outHeight shortHeight 360 opt.outWidth shortWidth 248 imageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageArray.. opt.outHeight shortHeight 360 opt.outWidth shortWidth 248 imageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageArray 0 imageSize..
android - out of memory exception when creating bitmap 3458 yCoor 430 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 Width 952 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 Height 952 Since..
How to get Latitude and Longitude infromation from picture ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH n builder.append Image Width getExifTag exif ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH n n builder.append..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER Set the Width Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android h int n 162 os.write intToByteArray n Setting Width int gs_width 29 os.write intToByteArray gs_width int w..
Debugging android apps on the kindle fire on Android emulator by using the following parameters. Width 600px Height 1024px Abstracted LCD Density 169 Target Android..
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout canvas.drawLine 0 0 this.getWidth 1 0 paint canvas.drawLine 0 0 0 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine.. 0 0 0 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine this.getWidth 1 0 this.getWidth 1 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine.. 1 paint canvas.drawLine this.getWidth 1 0 this.getWidth 1 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine 0 this.getHeight 1..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java @Override public void onGlobalLayout ViewSize wv.getWidth wv.getViewTreeObserver .removeGlobalOnLayoutListener this .. 1 true create a scaling value according to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert.. the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap with a scaling value..
how can i get images and names from mysql database into a listview height true Log.e Image Height Height bmp.getHeight Width bmp.getWidth mImages i new ImageView context mImages i .setImageBitmap.. true Log.e Image Height Height bmp.getHeight Width bmp.getWidth mImages i new ImageView context mImages i .setImageBitmap resizedbitmap..
Bitmap to large [duplicate] try with this public static Bitmap decodeFile File f int WIDTH int HIGHT try Decode image size BitmapFactory.Options o new.. o The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale.. The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale value...
Android: how to warp images? but it's not working properly private static final int WIDTH 20 private static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int.. static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float.. for int y 0 y HEIGHT y float fy h y HEIGHT for int x 0 x WIDTH x float fx w x WIDTH setXY mVerts index fx fy setXY mOrig..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap memory leaks public static Bitmap decodeFile File f int WIDTH int HIGHT try Decode image size BitmapFactory.Options o new.. null o The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale.. The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale value...
Trying to draw a button: how to set a stroke color and how to “align” a gradient to the bottom without knowing the height? Paint fillpaint strokepaint private static final int WIDTH 3 public RoundRect Shape s super s fillpaint this.getPaint strokepaint.. Paint.Style.STROKE strokepaint.setStrokeWidth WIDTH strokepaint.setARGB 255 0 0 0 @Override protected void onDraw..
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? reset TableRow TableLayout And now what I dont get the WIDTH of one row and also of the button depends on the TEXT inside..
Android How to get rid of question mark at end of ellipsize other removed characters with the Unicode character 'ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE' U FEFF . This means the extra characters after..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero class cDrawing extends View char BitMap static final short WIDTH 160 static final short HEIGHT 440 static final char EMPTY '.. super context y 3 set up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns.. up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns zero why int h getHeight h..
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes? other removed characters with the Unicode character 'ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE' U FEFF . This means the extra characters after..
How to get screen dimensions the upper right corner n pixels from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth.. you can use getSize Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay Point size new Point display.getSize size int width size.x int height size.y If you're not in an Activity you can get the default Display via WINDOW_SERVICE WindowManager wm.. use the getWidth and getHeight methods that are now deprecated Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're describing however a margin..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] to paint routePoints. private int colour Alpha setting for route overlay. private static final int ALPHA 120 Stroke width. private static final float STROKE 4.5f Route path. private final Path path Point to draw with. private final Point p Paint..
Standard Android Button with a different color shape gradient android startColor @color yellow1 android endColor @color yellow2 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right.. shape gradient android endColor @color orange4 android startColor @color orange5 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right.. shape gradient android endColor @color blue2 android startColor @color blue25 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? must be authored or edited directly in KML. description Style id yellowLineGreenPoly LineStyle color 7f00ffff color width 4 width LineStyle PolyStyle color 7f00ff00 color PolyStyle Style Placemark name Absolute Extruded name description Transparent.. be authored or edited directly in KML. description Style id yellowLineGreenPoly LineStyle color 7f00ffff color width 4 width LineStyle PolyStyle color 7f00ff00 color PolyStyle Style Placemark name Absolute Extruded name description Transparent green..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds @Override protected void onLayout boolean changed int left int top int right int bottom if changed mNeedsResize int widthLimit right left getCompoundPaddingLeft getCompoundPaddingRight int heightLimit bottom top getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop.. getCompoundPaddingRight int heightLimit bottom top getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed left top right bottom Resize the text size with default width and height public.. resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed left top right bottom Resize the text size with default width and height public void resizeText int heightLimit getHeight getPaddingBottom getPaddingTop int widthLimit getWidth getPaddingLeft..
how to get select area which cover by canvas in android Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap Paint.Cap.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeWidth 3 this.setOnTouchListener new View.OnTouchListener @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event switch event.getActionMasked.. Rect rect passCanvas.getClipBounds System.err.println Save Canvas System.err.println Display Rect Width rect.toString break default break return true @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas canvas.drawRect left top..
onMeasure custom view explanation simple as something like this @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int desiredWidth 100 int desiredHeight 100 int widthMode MeasureSpec.getMode widthMeasureSpec int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec.. heightMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int width int height Measure Width if widthMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY Must be this size width widthSize else if widthMode MeasureSpec.AT_MOST Can't be bigger.. Must be this size width widthSize else if widthMode MeasureSpec.AT_MOST Can't be bigger than... width Math.min desiredWidth widthSize else Be whatever you want width desiredWidth Measure Height if heightMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY Must be this size..
MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump most Android resources have this image type but you may need to experiment with other image types second set correct Width and Height for your bitmap correct dimensions can be found in the memory dump At that point you should already observe preview..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? myline switch ev.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN isLUp false if count 1 dx ev.getX dy ev.getY dx dx getWidth 2 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight.. dx dx getWidth 2 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy firstY myRenderer.ux secondX case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE isLUp true break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if isLUp ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 Log.i JO line2 ux uy secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy firstY myRenderer.ux..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? .getBitmap histroImage Bitmap.createBitmap mainImage mDrawOnTop new DrawOnTop this mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight mDrawOnTop.mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth.. .getBitmap histroImage Bitmap.createBitmap mainImage mDrawOnTop new DrawOnTop this mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight mDrawOnTop.mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight.. mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight mDrawOnTop.mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 mDrawOnTop.mRGBData new int mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight..
Can Android's WebView automatically resize huge images? You can try setting the WebView Layout using the code below. It resizes all Images Greater than the Device Screen Width to the Screen Width. This works for both Orientations Portrait and Landscape webview.getSettings .setLayoutAlgorithm LayoutAlgorithm.SINGLE_COLUMN.. the WebView Layout using the code below. It resizes all Images Greater than the Device Screen Width to the Screen Width. This works for both Orientations Portrait and Landscape webview.getSettings .setLayoutAlgorithm LayoutAlgorithm.SINGLE_COLUMN..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView? imageview dimensions share improve this question Just tried this out and it works for me int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById final TextView tv TextView findViewById ViewTreeObserver.. new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true The ViewTreeObserver will let you monitor.. ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true The ViewTreeObserver will let you monitor the layout just prior..
android get height width of ImageView image height width share improve this question My answer on this question might help you int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById final TextView tv TextView findViewById ViewTreeObserver.. new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true You can then add your image scaling work.. ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true You can then add your image scaling work from within the onPreDraw..
Get Screen width and height .getHeight android share improve this question Using this code you can get runtime Display's Width Height DisplayMetrics displaymetrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics displaymetrics int..
How to get a Bitmap from a raw image This image has been read by an image sensor not from a file. These are the things I know about the image ~ Height Width ~ Total size in bytes ~ 8 bit grayscale ~ 1 byte pixel I'm trying to convert this image to a bitmap to display in an imageview... Here's what I tried BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options opt.outHeight shortHeight 360 opt.outWidth shortWidth 248 imageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageArray 0 imageSize opt decodeByteArray returns null since it.. what I tried BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options opt.outHeight shortHeight 360 opt.outWidth shortWidth 248 imageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageArray 0 imageSize opt decodeByteArray returns null since it cannot decode..
android - out of memory exception when creating bitmap 3458 xCoor 291 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 yCoor 430 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 Width 952 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 Height 952 Since the image is huge I get the error. But the interesting..
How to get Latitude and Longitude infromation from picture n n builder.append Image Length getExifTag exif ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH n builder.append Image Width getExifTag exif ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH n n builder.append Camera Make getExifTag exif ExifInterface.TAG_MAKE n..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? Exception e Image should be scaled as width height are set. i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER Set the Width Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android os.write intToByteArray gs int h 104 os.write intToByteArray h int n 162 os.write intToByteArray n Setting Width int gs_width 29 os.write intToByteArray gs_width int w 119 os.write intToByteArray w int n_width 2 os.write..
Debugging android apps on the kindle fire Windows 7 PC. Moreover we can also emulate Kindle Fire specs on Android emulator by using the following parameters. Width 600px Height 1024px Abstracted LCD Density 169 Target Android 2.3.4 API Level 10 RAM 512 MB They don't offer separate developer..
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout canvas super.onDraw canvas Paint paint new Paint paint.setColor canvas.drawLine 0 0 this.getWidth 1 0 paint canvas.drawLine 0 0 0 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine this.getWidth 1 0 this.getWidth 1 this.getHeight.. canvas.drawLine 0 0 this.getWidth 1 0 paint canvas.drawLine 0 0 0 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine this.getWidth 1 0 this.getWidth 1 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine 0 this.getHeight 1 this.getWidth 1 this.getHeight 1 paint .. 0 0 this.getWidth 1 0 paint canvas.drawLine 0 0 0 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine this.getWidth 1 0 this.getWidth 1 this.getHeight 1 paint canvas.drawLine 0 this.getHeight 1 this.getWidth 1 this.getHeight 1 paint And this is the main..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout ViewSize wv.getWidth wv.getViewTreeObserver .removeGlobalOnLayoutListener this pdfLoadImages load images Load Images private void pdfLoadImages.. the first page from the pdf doc PDFPage PDFpage pdf.getPage 1 true create a scaling value according to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap with a scaling value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage.. pdf.getPage 1 true create a scaling value according to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap with a scaling value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage int PDFpage.getWidth scale int..
how can i get images and names from mysql database into a listview 100 Bitmap resizedbitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bmp width height true Log.e Image Height Height bmp.getHeight Width bmp.getWidth mImages i new ImageView context mImages i .setImageBitmap resizedbitmap mImages i .setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_START.. Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bmp width height true Log.e Image Height Height bmp.getHeight Width bmp.getWidth mImages i new ImageView context mImages i .setImageBitmap resizedbitmap mImages i .setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_START..
Bitmap to large [duplicate] running ics. android bitmap share improve this question try with this public static Bitmap decodeFile File f int WIDTH int HIGHT try Decode image size BitmapFactory.Options o new BitmapFactory.Options o.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. true BitmapFactory.decodeStream new FileInputStream f null o The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2. int scale 1 while o.outWidth.. BitmapFactory.decodeStream new FileInputStream f null o The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2. int scale 1 while o.outWidth..
Android: how to warp images? want to warp images like this Added 08 04 2013 I used this code but it's not working properly private static final int WIDTH 20 private static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private.. working properly private static final int WIDTH 20 private static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new float COUNT 2 private final float mOrig new float.. float h mBitmap.getHeight construct our mesh int index 0 for int y 0 y HEIGHT y float fy h y HEIGHT for int x 0 x WIDTH x float fx w x WIDTH setXY mVerts index fx fy setXY mOrig index fx fy index 1 mMatrix.setTranslate 10 10 mMatrix.invert..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap 2009 01 avoiding memory leaks.html avoiding memory leaks public static Bitmap decodeFile File f int WIDTH int HIGHT try Decode image size BitmapFactory.Options o new BitmapFactory.Options o.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. true BitmapFactory.decodeStream new FileInputStream f null o The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2. int scale 1 while o.outWidth.. true BitmapFactory.decodeStream new FileInputStream f null o The new size we want to scale to final int REQUIRED_WIDTH WIDTH final int REQUIRED_HIGHT HIGHT Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2. int scale 1 while o.outWidth scale..
Trying to draw a button: how to set a stroke color and how to “align” a gradient to the bottom without knowing the height? result public class customBorderDrawable extends ShapeDrawable Paint fillpaint strokepaint private static final int WIDTH 3 public RoundRect Shape s super s fillpaint this.getPaint strokepaint new Paint fillpaint strokepaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. this.getPaint strokepaint new Paint fillpaint strokepaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE strokepaint.setStrokeWidth WIDTH strokepaint.setARGB 255 0 0 0 @Override protected void onDraw Shape shape Canvas canvas Paint fillpaint shape.draw canvas..
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? plus1 Button android id @ id resetbutton android text @string reset TableRow TableLayout And now what I dont get the WIDTH of one row and also of the button depends on the TEXT inside the button. If the both texts are equaly long lets say TEXT..
Android How to get rid of question mark at end of ellipsize replaces one character with the ellipsis and replaces all other removed characters with the Unicode character 'ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE' U FEFF . This means the extra characters after the ellipsis do not take up any visible space on screen yet..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero so it works. Why is it doing this My View class public class cDrawing extends View char BitMap static final short WIDTH 160 static final short HEIGHT 440 static final char EMPTY ' ' int mWidthSize int mHeightSize static final char RED 'R' int.. static final char RED 'R' int y public cDrawing Context context super context y 3 set up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns zero why int h getHeight h 400 int w getWidth w 320 mWidthSize.. int y public cDrawing Context context super context y 3 set up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns zero why int h getHeight h 400 int w getWidth w 320 mWidthSize w WIDTH mHeightSize h HEIGHT..
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes? replaces one character with the ellipsis and replaces all other removed characters with the Unicode character 'ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE' U FEFF . This means the extra characters after the ellipsis do not take up any visible space on screen yet..