android Programming Glossary: whatnot
Authenticating with OAuth2 for an app *and* a website and secure a username and password store. which is what I want to do. However when I go through all their examples and whatnot I can only find stuff about having a website or an app authenticate a user against Google's services. And indeed when I..
Android. How does notifyDataSetChanged() method and ListViews work? there are some methods that need to be overridden. Among these there is getCount . When the ListView is created and whatnot it calls getCount . If this returns a value different than 0 i returned the size of the ArrayList which I've previously..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator of device testing because iPhone Simulator does not emulate an iPhone processor disk drive memory constraints and whatnot. You hardly ever get memory warnings unless your Mac is struggling to manage resources itself unless you simulate again..
Closing the database in a ContentProvider has a close method. I'm aware that leaving idle databases open is bad practice and can cause memory leaks and whatnot unless this discussion is headed in the right direction . If I were using the class in an Activity then I would simply call..
Android : get the height of the textview per line with getLineHeight . This might or might not be better than using getHeight depending on your layout or whatnot. Don't use the Textviews dimensions. Get the TextViews Paint with TextView.getPaint and then calculate the width and height..
Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone ndk gdb start force verbose It then finds the proper path for the ndk and sdk or at least adb and the needed ABIs and whatnot. ndk gdb start force verbose Android NDK installation path home leif eclipse android ndk r5b Using default adb command home..