android Programming Glossary: what
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? user doesn't the system handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle especially onPause onStop onDestroy is.. especially onPause onStop onDestroy is for. No matter what you do do not put a quit or exit application button. It is useless.. Mobile and .NET. However the last week has been somewhat of a turnoff for me... I hope I don't have to abandon Android..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? keyboard appears and disappears which is quite often then what I do is customize my top level layout class into one which overrides..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android In fact the chances of you actually correctly interpreting whatever numbers you get is extremely low. Pretty much every time.. other engineers there is always a long discussion about what they actually mean that only results in a vague conclusion... by everything else. public int otherSharedDirty But as to what the difference is between Pss PrivateDirty and SharedDirty .....
Is there a unique Android device ID? device ID Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier..
Launch custom android application from android browser on a link to twitter in the browser they will be asked what application to use in order to complete the action the browser..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? if the user is moving around or anything like that. Here's what I'd like to do Show the user a list of nearby locations. Preload.. android geolocation share improve this question Here's what I do First of all I check what providers are enabled. Some may.. this question Here's what I do First of all I check what providers are enabled. Some may be disabled on the device some..
Activity restart on rotation Android this question Using the Application Class Depending on what you're doing in your initialization you could consider creating..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object of band resize and save of my image but that is not really what I want to do but some sample code for that would be nice. As..
How to ship an Android application with a database? requires a database and comes with built in data what is the best way to ship that application 1 Precreate the sqlite..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView url android listview share improve this question Here's what I created to hold the images that my app is currently displaying...
Android: How to declare global variables? your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application logic. This is certainly not.. your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application logic. As before this is not..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” displayed in the dropdown list as first item which is not what I want. How can I fix this problem android android spinner..
Android - basic gesture detection clarification and I'll happily tell you the specifics of what I've tried. android listener gesture recognition share improve..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] a whole page. I followed this in order to achieve that. What is the solution for this Is there any alternatives android..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) I've also referenced the Google Play Services project. What am I doing wrong here android google maps android mapview google..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) null null Apparently you can't Read APNs in Android 4.2 What is the alternative for all those applications which use mobile..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] recent Google I O I decided to come back to development. What I first did was open the Android SDK Manager and update to the..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent We can cancel out of it but the file never gets written. What exactly do we have to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write..
Changing Locale within the app itself return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu What should I do in API Level 5 to make this work again HERE IS THE..
Focusable EditText inside ListView returns true but in fact does not give the EditText focus. What I'm envisioning is basically a hybrid of 1 2 where rather than.. the ListView was then blocking focus to all children. What I have now ListView android id @android id list android layout_height..
Activity has leaked window that was originally added has leaked window that was originally added What is this error and why does it happen 05 17 18 24 57.069 ERROR..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current..
What is Context in Android? is Context in Android In Android programming what exactly is..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android can freely interact with rest of apps in normal manner. What I'm doing is subclass ViewGroup and add it to root window manager..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds and repeat until a suitably small size has been found. What routines does TextView use to wrap the text Couldn't those be..
Android: How to declare global variables? I cannot in good faith recommend ignoring their advice. What they say goes to a certain extent. I do wish to disagree extremely..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? Activity Life Cycle What are all these methods for What is the life cycle of an Android.. Activity Life Cycle What are all these methods for What is the life cycle of an Android activity Why are so many similar..
Android - basic gesture detection worked for me so far and I was hoping for some pointers. What I have is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source.. just need a concrete example of this working across views. What when and how should I attach this listener I need to be able..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication 401 unauthorized status code but my question is that WHAT STEPS I DO TO LOGIN A USER USING API For example I want to provide.. web api share improve this question WHAT STEPS I DO TO LOGIN A USER USING API You need to send a valid..
Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView CHECK MARK FILE IS NOT UPLOADED IN CHOOSE FILE OPTION WHAT IS EXPECTED I checked that I have the proper writing permission..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android which obviously works I'll consider that as solution also WHAT I VE DONE SO FAR I started with using MathJax to put formula..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off _wifiManager.reassociate _wifiManager.reconnect THIS IS WHAT I DO TO WAIT FOR A CONNECTION try mConnectionReceiver new WifiConnectionMonitor..
Changing Locale within the app itself uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE..
Master-detail Using ContentResolver.applyBatch()? .appendPath detail .build .withValue Detail.MASTER_ID WHAT GOES HERE .withValue Detail.NAME .withValue Detail.VALUE .build.. withValueBackReference method. .withValue Detail.MASTER_ID WHAT GOES HERE becomes .withValueBackReference Detail.MASTER_ID 0..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds devices I have and seems to run fast enough for me. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 December 2004 Copyright.. changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING.. FOR COPYING DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO. import android.content.Context import android.text.Layout.Alignment..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? the user terminate the application Answer Romain Guy The user doesn't the system handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle especially onPause onStop onDestroy is for. No matter what you do do not put a quit or exit application.. handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle especially onPause onStop onDestroy is for. No matter what you do do not put a quit or exit application button. It is useless with Android's application model. This is also contrary.. platform since it addresses a lot of issues that exist in Windows Mobile and .NET. However the last week has been somewhat of a turnoff for me... I hope I don't have to abandon Android but it doesn't look very good right now Is there a way for..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? harder than it ought to be. If I need to care about when the keyboard appears and disappears which is quite often then what I do is customize my top level layout class into one which overrides onMeasure . The basic logic is that if the layout finds..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android an extremely complicated and difficult to understand area. In fact the chances of you actually correctly interpreting whatever numbers you get is extremely low. Pretty much every time I look at memory usage numbers with other engineers there is.. Pretty much every time I look at memory usage numbers with other engineers there is always a long discussion about what they actually mean that only results in a vague conclusion. Note we now have much more extensive documentation on Managing.. public int otherPrivateDirty The shared dirty pages used by everything else. public int otherSharedDirty But as to what the difference is between Pss PrivateDirty and SharedDirty ... well now the fun begins. A lot of memory in Android and Linux..
Is there a unique Android device ID? there a unique Android device ID Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share improve this question Settings.Secure#ANDROID_ID..
Launch custom android application from android browser intent filter Then when the user clicks on a link to twitter in the browser they will be asked what application to use in order to complete the action the browser or your application. Of course if you want to provide tight..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? a list of nearby businesses. It doesn't need to worry about if the user is moving around or anything like that. Here's what I'd like to do Show the user a list of nearby locations. Preload the user's location so that by the time I need it in Activity.. the best results. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this android geolocation share improve this question Here's what I do First of all I check what providers are enabled. Some may be disabled on the device some may be disabled in application.. way to accomplish this android geolocation share improve this question Here's what I do First of all I check what providers are enabled. Some may be disabled on the device some may be disabled in application manifest. If any provider..
Activity restart on rotation Android not called. android rotation android activity share improve this question Using the Application Class Depending on what you're doing in your initialization you could consider creating a new class that extends Application and moving your initialization..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object focus issue. I can use roller ball. I know I can do an out of band resize and save of my image but that is not really what I want to do but some sample code for that would be nice. As soon as I disabled the image on the list view it worked fine..
How to ship an Android application with a database? to ship an Android application with a database If your application requires a database and comes with built in data what is the best way to ship that application 1 Precreate the sqlite database and include it in the apk 2 Include the SQL commands..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView The number of images is not fixed. android image url android listview share improve this question Here's what I created to hold the images that my app is currently displaying. Please note that the Log object in use here is my custom..
Android: How to declare global variables? likely to be something you regret in the future as you find your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application logic. This is certainly not incorrect but this is not a reason for choosing Singleton.. likely to be something you regret in the future as you find your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application logic. As before this is not incorrect but only further points out that there is no concrete..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” Select One to the items but then Select One would also be displayed in the dropdown list as first item which is not what I want. How can I fix this problem android android spinner share improve this question Here's a general solution that..
Android - basic gesture detection Apologies if the question is disjointed please ask for clarification and I'll happily tell you the specifics of what I've tried. android listener gesture recognition share improve this question Thanks to Code Shogun whose code I adapted..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] I'm requesting doesn't retreieve KML data anymore it returns a whole page. I followed this in order to achieve that. What is the solution for this Is there any alternatives android google maps android mapview kml driving directions share improve..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) 1034 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method I've also referenced the Google Play Services project. What am I doing wrong here android google maps android mapview google maps android api 2 share improve this question According..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) Uri.withAppendedPath Carriers.CONTENT_URI current null null null null Apparently you can't Read APNs in Android 4.2 What is the alternative for all those applications which use mobile data to perform operations like sending MMS and don't know..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] Then I stopped development for about 1 month. After the recent Google I O I decided to come back to development. What I first did was open the Android SDK Manager and update to the newly available packages I think it was only the SDK tools..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent does nothing. The camera app stays open and nothing locks up. We can cancel out of it but the file never gets written. What exactly do we have to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write the picture taken to a file Edit This is done via the MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..
Changing Locale within the app itself menu.add 0 400 6 Exit .setIcon android.R.drawable.ic_menu_delete return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu What should I do in API Level 5 to make this work again HERE IS THE FULL CODE IF YOU WANT TO TEST THIS import java.util.Locale..
Focusable EditText inside ListView it. To make matters worse calling editTextView.requestFocus returns true but in fact does not give the EditText focus. What I'm envisioning is basically a hybrid of 1 2 where rather than the list setting if all items are focusable or not I want.. mItemsCanFocus in the ListView's OnItemSelectedListener because the ListView was then blocking focus to all children. What I have now ListView android id @android id list android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent android..
Activity has leaked window that was originally added has leaked window that was originally added What is this error and why does it happen 05 17 18 24 57.069 ERROR WindowManager 18850 Activity com.mypkg.myP has leaked window..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android The LocationManager API in android seems..
What is Context in Android? is Context in Android In Android programming what exactly is a Context class and what is it used for I read about it on..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android some text on top left corner of screen all the time while user can freely interact with rest of apps in normal manner. What I'm doing is subclass ViewGroup and add it to root window manager with flag TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY . Now I want to add a button..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds heavy routines that parse and measure the text resize the text and repeat until a suitably small size has been found. What routines does TextView use to wrap the text Couldn't those be somehow used to predict whether text will be small enough..
Android: How to declare global variables? of Reto and Diane's roles in maintaining the Android platform I cannot in good faith recommend ignoring their advice. What they say goes to a certain extent. I do wish to disagree extremely strongly with the opinions Diane in particular expressed..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? Activity Life Cycle What are all these methods for What is the life cycle of an Android activity Why are so many similar sounding methods onCreate.. Activity Life Cycle What are all these methods for What is the life cycle of an Android activity Why are so many similar sounding methods onCreate onStart onResume called during..
Android - basic gesture detection Detect Gestures Tutorial SDK docs Calculator Code Nothing has worked for me so far and I was hoping for some pointers. What I have is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file.. methods weren't called when I touched the screen. I really just need a concrete example of this working across views. What when and how should I attach this listener I need to be able to detect single clicks also. Gesture detection mGestureDetector..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication tell to put Authorize attribute which actually works and return 401 unauthorized status code but my question is that WHAT STEPS I DO TO LOGIN A USER USING API For example I want to provide user credentials from an Android application to API get.. i.e. getting successful authentication . android .net authentication web api share improve this question WHAT STEPS I DO TO LOGIN A USER USING API You need to send a valid Forms Authentication cookie along with the request. This cookie..
Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView SNAPSHOT USING CAMERA back and check options appear. ON CHOOSING CHECK MARK FILE IS NOT UPLOADED IN CHOOSE FILE OPTION WHAT IS EXPECTED I checked that I have the proper writing permission and hence a directory named MyApp is generated and the picture..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android within the same webview anyone comes out with other methods which obviously works I'll consider that as solution also WHAT I VE DONE SO FAR I started with using MathJax to put formula into webview I dunno if there is any successful jqMath use..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off id 22036 _wifiManager.disconnect _wifiManager.startScan _wifiManager.reassociate _wifiManager.reconnect THIS IS WHAT I DO TO WAIT FOR A CONNECTION try mConnectionReceiver new WifiConnectionMonitor startMonitoringConnection latch new CountDownLatch..
Changing Locale within the app itself intent filter activity application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks every time..
Master-detail Using ContentResolver.applyBatch()? .appendPath # ACTUAL VALUE NOT KNOWN UNTIL MASTER ROW IS SAVED .appendPath detail .build .withValue Detail.MASTER_ID WHAT GOES HERE .withValue Detail.NAME .withValue Detail.VALUE .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch.. Subsequent operations may reference those results via the withValueBackReference method. .withValue Detail.MASTER_ID WHAT GOES HERE becomes .withValueBackReference Detail.MASTER_ID 0 A complete example of this usage can be found in sample ContactManager..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds the text and reuse views and this seems to work well on the devices I have and seems to run fast enough for me. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 December 2004 Copyright C 2004 Sam Hocevar Everyone is permitted to.. verbatim or modified copies of this license document and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO... DO WHAT YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO. import android.content.Context import android.text.Layout.Alignment import android.text.StaticLayout import..