android Programming Glossary: who
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + some where its not sensible to re invent the Wheel people who are refering to github source code of sliding menu but i beleif..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works main reasons I am making this question is to help others who probably don't know about ListView and GridView's recycling.. recycling and the convertview usage mechanism but after a whole days research I pretty much understand the mechanisms of the.. I know im not that good at explaning but as i put my whole day to understand so i thought other beginners like me can..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? of changing your mind rather these are here for others who come to read this post in the future. The point is that I cannot.. tied to a previous application environment. Developers who lack the time or inclination to do this will get frustrated.. to apps e.g. VBA in Excel LISP in AutoCAD . Developers who came up with mental models that presumed the existence of development..
Using ZXing to create an android barcode scanning app mechanism &mdash can be called by other applications who wish to integrate barcode scanning. The easiest way to do this..
Detect application heap size in Android perils as would using the space made available by a user who has upped the heap via a rooted OS i.e. if your app uses the.. the same time. But there will always be a few rooted users who have loaded a 2.2 or above version of Android onto an older..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder platform but I also know that can be easily avoided. Those who have downloaded the game Reging Thunder for example can easily..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] things across the platforms which will help to developers who want to port application to all platforms. Like what are the..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size by Android. I think this question also help to the people who are connected with Android application programming and development...
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging . Your Service returns an instance of itself to consumers who call onBind . Then you can directly interact with the service..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend Chase's solution for most cases..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email Gmail menu context It shows the attachment lets me type who the email is to and edit the body subject. No big deal. I hit..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken a thumbnail only to the location I wanted. HTC you know who you are... So I can't blindly delete a gallery file when I'm..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) 2.2 and was originally not actually used for tracking who installed the app it is used by the platform to determine who.. installed the app it is used by the platform to determine who to launch when reporting bugs with the app for implementing..
Android: How to declare global variables? a large philosophical disagreement I have with those who encourage the use of Singletons rather than subclassing Application...
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application this question so that it be can be useful to people who see this post in the future. So here is the modified code package..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method HttpClient 4.x translation if I have found it Only parties who ask me problems HttpState state new HttpState HttpMethod method..
Hide System Bar in Tablets here. Because of it I can't have the correct screen size. Who can tell me how to remove it android share improve this question..
Android > 4.0 : Ideas how to record/capture internal audio (e.g. STREAM_MUSIC)? this. Now we have Android 4.1 and 4.2 and I have new hope Who has an idea how to capture the audio in Android I had following..
Android hidden application launch the application in first start mode configuration . Who have any ideas How can I do it android hidden launcher share..
Android custom layout to position them. But... it is deprecated. That's a shame Who wants to use deprecated apis The next most reasonable thing..
Android Exception: Did you forget to call 'public void setup (LocalActivityManager activityGroup)' 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' Who Can help me. I try to extends from TabActiviy or ActivityGroup..
Can shared library call another shared library? that uses my main library Who can tell why and what can I do to solve this problem Additional..
Avoid memory leaks on Android that is to say the TextView belongs to that Activtiy . Who can give me some explanation for that android share improve..
How to make a Android custom keyboard? picture is my keyboard model.It's only need number. Who can give me the xml code and activity code Thanks very much..
What are ODEX files in Android? to odex file not apk in smartphone. How does it happens Who can teach me I am very interested about it. android android..
Android: why must use getBaseContext() instead of this when I change getBaseContext to this will receive error. Who can explain for me please. android context this share improve..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + simple once you get some idea about Animations i have read some where its not sensible to re invent the Wheel people who are refering to github source code of sliding menu but i beleif that you should atleast once try to make your own so you..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works so I do not understand why this is happening. One of the main reasons I am making this question is to help others who probably don't know about ListView and GridView's recycling View or the way this article puts it ScrapView mechanism. android.. this question Initially I was also unaware of listview recycling and the convertview usage mechanism but after a whole days research I pretty much understand the mechanisms of the list view by referring to an image from android.amberfog.. 14 49 36.776 I System.out 13871 getview 4 null But now its solved I know im not that good at explaning but as i put my whole day to understand so i thought other beginners like me can get help off my experience and i hope now you people will have..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? already given at the time of this writing. I have no intention of changing your mind rather these are here for others who come to read this post in the future. The point is that I cannot allow for Android to determine when my app is going to.. on business goals and not sticking with an implementation model tied to a previous application environment. Developers who lack the time or inclination to do this will get frustrated with newer environments that break their existing mental model... concept did not catch on much outside of language extensions to apps e.g. VBA in Excel LISP in AutoCAD . Developers who came up with mental models that presumed the existence of development tools in the app itself therefore either had to change..
Using ZXing to create an android barcode scanning app barcode reader application which &mdash via Android's intent mechanism &mdash can be called by other applications who wish to integrate barcode scanning. The easiest way to do this is to call the ZXing SCAN Intent from your application like..
Detect application heap size in Android then using that option would have the same benefits and perils as would using the space made available by a user who has upped the heap via a rooted OS i.e. if your app uses the additional memory it probably will not play as nicely with.. play nice with the other apps the user may be running at the same time. But there will always be a few rooted users who have loaded a 2.2 or above version of Android onto an older device e.g. a G1 . When you encounter such a configuration ideally..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder error with larger files. I read that is a limit of Android platform but I also know that can be easily avoided. Those who have downloaded the game Reging Thunder for example can easily see that in their assets folder is a file 18.9M large. This..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] is headache for developers. I am searching for common things across the platforms which will help to developers who want to port application to all platforms. Like what are the diff screen resolutions input methods open gl support etc...
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size same issue What is the maximum size of Application supported by Android. I think this question also help to the people who are connected with Android application programming and development. Update This time i am having 58Mb application from that..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging improve this question Look at the LocalService example . Your Service returns an instance of itself to consumers who call onBind . Then you can directly interact with the service e.g. registering your own listener interface with the service..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds a best practice way to auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend Chase's solution for most cases and I've listed some alternatives in my answer. android..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email Intent.createChooser sendIntent Email So if I launch using the Gmail menu context It shows the attachment lets me type who the email is to and edit the body subject. No big deal. I hit send and it sends. The only thing is the attachment does NOT..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken suck and save a full sized image to the gallery and save a thumbnail only to the location I wanted. HTC you know who you are... So I can't blindly delete a gallery file when I'm done. The last added photo may or may not be the one I want..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) installerPackage was only added fairly recently to the platform 2.2 and was originally not actually used for tracking who installed the app it is used by the platform to determine who to launch when reporting bugs with the app for implementing.. 2.2 and was originally not actually used for tracking who installed the app it is used by the platform to determine who to launch when reporting bugs with the app for implementing Android Feedback. This was also one of the times the API method..
Android: How to declare global variables? the bottom of this post addressing some criticism and detailing a large philosophical disagreement I have with those who encourage the use of Singletons rather than subclassing Application. Read it at your own risk. ORIGINAL ANSWER The more..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application Somehow I managed to solve my problem and I am answering this question so that it be can be useful to people who see this post in the future. So here is the modified code package com.demo import import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method methods... This is the HttpClient 3.x I have done and the HttpClient 4.x translation if I have found it Only parties who ask me problems HttpState state new HttpState HttpMethod method null HttpUriRequest httpUri null method.abort httpUri.abort..
Hide System Bar in Tablets But I don't know why the bar still in here. Because of it I can't have the correct screen size. Who can tell me how to remove it android share improve this question In Tablets running Android 4 it is not possible to..
Android > 4.0 : Ideas how to record/capture internal audio (e.g. STREAM_MUSIC)? kernel versions root privileges etc. so I stopped working on this. Now we have Android 4.1 and 4.2 and I have new hope Who has an idea how to capture the audio in Android I had following ideas Connect via bluetooth to the same phone set routing..
Android hidden application line from AndroidManifest.xml but then the user can't launch the application in first start mode configuration . Who have any ideas How can I do it android hidden launcher share improve this question You need to make your app into a..
Android custom layout to add derived view objects and write your own algorithm to position them. But... it is deprecated. That's a shame Who wants to use deprecated apis The next most reasonable thing to do is to write your own layout sub classing the mystic ViewGroup....
Android Exception: Did you forget to call 'public void setup (LocalActivityManager activityGroup)' I click the button of Setting exctption Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' Who Can help me. I try to extends from TabActiviy or ActivityGroup still other exceptions I want to put the buttons of Tabhost..
Can shared library call another shared library? not found Loadlibrary function cant find library that uses my main library Who can tell why and what can I do to solve this problem Additional Information I had a static library .so written in C with..
Avoid memory leaks on Android Application context. Because this is a reference to Activity that is to say the TextView belongs to that Activtiy . Who can give me some explanation for that android share improve this question The actual problem with that code isn't the..
How to make a Android custom keyboard? a custom keyboard.I don't know how to do in xml and activity.This picture is my keyboard model.It's only need number. Who can give me the xml code and activity code Thanks very much android keyboard share improve this question Use KeyboardView..
What are ODEX files in Android? After some android apps installed I found that it will change to odex file not apk in smartphone. How does it happens Who can teach me I am very interested about it. android android source dalvik share improve this question The blog article..
Android: why must use getBaseContext() instead of this SELECTED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show this line At above code when I change getBaseContext to this will receive error. Who can explain for me please. android context this share improve this question getApplicationContext returns the application..