android Programming Glossary: whichever
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display samples and go to Samples android 10 one I used could try whichever you want to target ApiDemos src com example android apis graphics..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? wrong . Problem #2 wrong dismiss behavior Dialog calls whichever listener it should call indeed and then always calls OnDateSetListener..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? Screen orientation select either portrait or landscape whichever is desired. This will be the default layout. Select events for..
detecting an incoming call coming to an android device derive a class from it and implement a few easy functions whichever call types you care about public class CallReceiver extends..
how to disable viewpager adapter on touching specific views? boolean in ViewPager to false and set it back to true whichever way best fits your application. public class CustomViewPager..
Android layout with sqare buttons each of those using half of the screen with screen height whichever is smaler . Independent of screen size resolution. I already..
How my app can unlock screen programatically? get the window of your activity use Window.addFlags to add whichever of the following flags in WindowManager.LayoutParams that you..
how to stop animation (cancel() does not work) share improve this question Call clearAnimation on whichever View you called startAnimation . share improve this answer..
passing data from list view to another activity
What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used? I'm programming C 0x and it's only 2011 . So I'd say use whichever one works and understand that whichever one you use now you'll.. . So I'd say use whichever one works and understand that whichever one you use now you'll probably be switching to std c 11 eventually..
Switching between network and GPS provider just get the providers for the network and GPS and pass whichever you want to locationManager.requestLocationUpdates . When you..
why does my compare method throw exception — Comparison method violates its general contract! occurs when neither value is sponsored. That will return 1 whichever way you call it i.e. x2 1 x1 1 That's..
Extending MediaController for android that you can use this MediaController to set the Anchor to whichever view you desire without worrying about your VideoView changing..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display rest of the code to implement this download the android sdk samples and go to Samples android 10 one I used could try whichever you want to target ApiDemos src com example android apis graphics class PreviewSurface extends ViewGroup..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? button does not appear. Screenshots 4.0.3 OK and 4.1.1 possibly wrong . Problem #2 wrong dismiss behavior Dialog calls whichever listener it should call indeed and then always calls OnDateSetListener listener. Canceling still calls the set method and..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? behavior. Within Attributes you need to change two fields Screen orientation select either portrait or landscape whichever is desired. This will be the default layout. Select events for Config changes you wish to override In this case these are..
detecting an incoming call coming to an android device new Date break lastState state Then to use it simply derive a class from it and implement a few easy functions whichever call types you care about public class CallReceiver extends PhonecallReceiver @Override protected void onIncomingCallStarted..
how to disable viewpager adapter on touching specific views? get notified of a specific event you could set the swipeable boolean in ViewPager to false and set it back to true whichever way best fits your application. public class CustomViewPager extends ViewPager private boolean swipeable true public CustomViewPager..
Android layout with sqare buttons layout similar to this one Four square buttons on the screen each of those using half of the screen with screen height whichever is smaler . Independent of screen size resolution. I already tried to achieve this by using a LinearLayout but the buttons..
How my app can unlock screen programatically? share improve this question Use Activity.getWindow to get the window of your activity use Window.addFlags to add whichever of the following flags in WindowManager.LayoutParams that you desire FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON..
how to stop animation (cancel() does not work)
passing data from list view to another activity
What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used? draft standard such that you could say with a straight face I'm programming C 0x and it's only 2011 . So I'd say use whichever one works and understand that whichever one you use now you'll probably be switching to std c 11 eventually anyway. share..
Switching between network and GPS provider locationlistener share improve this question Sure you just get the providers for the network and GPS and pass whichever you want to locationManager.requestLocationUpdates . When you want to stop listening to a certain provider call locationManager.removeUpdates..
why does my compare method throw exception — Comparison method violates its general contract! share improve this question I suspect the problem occurs when neither value is sponsored. That will return 1 whichever way you call it i.e. x2 1 x1 1 That's invalid. I suggest you change this object1.getSponsored object2.getSponsored..
Extending MediaController for android public void setAnchorView View view Do nothing Once you do that you can use this MediaController to set the Anchor to whichever view you desire without worrying about your VideoView changing it. After that its just a matter of getting a view in the..