android Programming Glossary: wider
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? minLines etc. The TextView somehow seems to be much wider than the window width. I saw other people having the same problem..
save user data during a day (the same day -> many user data) 00 00.002 . Now the solution to your problem is to have a wider range on the X axis. renderer.setXAxisMax someDate.getTime where..
Creating a mobile version of a website with the iPhone's screen size 320x480 in mind. To get a wider coverage of devices including Android and J2ME phones checkout..
Set ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width are half as wide as they are tall but not if they are any wider the text goes under the image. xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
two directional scroll view The header will be short and the webview may be longer and wider than the screen. What is the best way to get horizontal and..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity question link text I now realise that the problem is much wider in that non of the built in applications present when a new..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column two child views but failed to do so since the child with wider content also became wider within its parent than its sibling... to do so since the child with wider content also became wider within its parent than its sibling. This was due to the fact.. parent than its sibling. This was due to the fact that the wider child had a greater initial width. Making sure both children..
Peer-to-Peer communication options [duplicate] or wifi so may fit though if you're connecting over 3G or wider range networks it won't work. Given the variation and reliability..
Rotate image in android it to fit the screen x and y swapped because my image is wider than it is tall Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap..
Android icon vs logo instead of the default application icon. A logo is often a wider more detailed image that represents the application. When this..
How does one Animate Layout properties of ViewGroups? to that value by setting View.getLayoutParams .width it is wider than when it began. I suspect I'm just doing it wrong. I have..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() rendered. However the actual text rendered is always a bit wider than the .width of the Rect information filled by getTextBounds..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? ignored here. So as all other tries like android lines android minLines etc. The TextView somehow seems to be much wider than the window width. I saw other people having the same problem but no one could find a solution. So is this a system..
save user data during a day (the same day -> many user data) is at 20 04 2013 00 00 00.001 and the third is 20 04 2013 00 00 00.002 . Now the solution to your problem is to have a wider range on the X axis. renderer.setXAxisMax someDate.getTime where someDate can be something like 21 04 2013 . share improve..
Creating a mobile version of a website be an issue with most libraries as they are built around with the iPhone's screen size 320x480 in mind. To get a wider coverage of devices including Android and J2ME phones checkout Yahoo Blueprint . It's a markup language that translates..
Set ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width for each item in a ListView. It works fine when the images are half as wide as they are tall but not if they are any wider the text goes under the image. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk..
two directional scroll view with a header section on top and a webview below. The header will be short and the webview may be longer and wider than the screen. What is the best way to get horizontal and vertical scrolling Is a ScrollView nested inside a HorizontalScrollView..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity with my own Google maps application not working and posted a question link text I now realise that the problem is much wider in that non of the built in applications present when a new AVD is created will work. For example the 'maps' application..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column I also wanted to distribute the given space equally between two child views but failed to do so since the child with wider content also became wider within its parent than its sibling. This was due to the fact that the wider child had a greater.. the given space equally between two child views but failed to do so since the child with wider content also became wider within its parent than its sibling. This was due to the fact that the wider child had a greater initial width. Making sure.. the child with wider content also became wider within its parent than its sibling. This was due to the fact that the wider child had a greater initial width. Making sure both children started of from the same width android layout_width 0dp on..
Peer-to-Peer communication options [duplicate] AllJoyn library It is designed to work over Bluetooth or wifi so may fit though if you're connecting over 3G or wider range networks it won't work. Given the variation and reliability of networks between two remote devices not on the same..
Rotate image in android ImageView img1 ImageView findViewById scale it to fit the screen x and y swapped because my image is wider than it is tall Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap myBitmap y x true create a matrix object Matrix matrix new..
Android icon vs logo the use of an alternative image a logo in the Action Bar instead of the default application icon. A logo is often a wider more detailed image that represents the application. When this is enabled the system uses the logo image defined for the..
How does one Animate Layout properties of ViewGroups? Animation that calls View.getWidth but when I animate back to that value by setting View.getLayoutParams .width it is wider than when it began. I suspect I'm just doing it wrong. I have also read all the documentation on the Honeycomb animation..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() in getting both the height and width of the text to be rendered. However the actual text rendered is always a bit wider than the .width of the Rect information filled by getTextBounds . To my surprise I tested .measureText and found that it..