android Programming Glossary: widthspec
Fill remaining space with fixed aspect ratio surfaceview do The function I was looking to override is onMeasure int widthSpec int heightSpec which is called by the parent with suggestions..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View changed l t r b if r l 0 b t 0 dimensionsDirty int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility.. MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED condensedHeight getMeasuredHeight messageView.setVisibility.. messageView.setVisibility VISIBLE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED expandedHeight getMeasuredHeight dimensionsDirty..
Fill remaining space with fixed aspect ratio surfaceview Did more research and I think I figured out what I need to do The function I was looking to override is onMeasure int widthSpec int heightSpec which is called by the parent with suggestions for width and height see View.MeasureSpec . I also set MySurfaceView..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View onLayout boolean changed int l int t int r int b super.onLayout changed l t r b if r l 0 b t 0 dimensionsDirty int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED.. int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED condensedHeight getMeasuredHeight messageView.setVisibility VISIBLE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED.. measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED condensedHeight getMeasuredHeight messageView.setVisibility VISIBLE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED expandedHeight getMeasuredHeight dimensionsDirty false android android listview layoutparams ..