

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:34

android Programming Glossary: wharton

Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method


DiskLruImageCache with a DiskLruCache the one from Jake Wharton object and the same methods in the simple implementation on..

Eclipse will not recognize project as library (ActionBarSherlock/ViewPagerIndicator)


but I seem to be running into a few issues. I sent Jake Wharton The developer a few messages earlier about it and got a few.. .. .. .. .. .. Documents and Settings yorkw Desktop JakeWharton Android ViewPagerIndicator f09acb0 library If you directly alter.. C Documents and Settings yorkw Desktop JakeWharton Android ViewPagerIndicator f09acb0 library Then after Eclipse..

Dropdown Spinner outside of actionbar? (IceCream Sandwich style, w/ActionBarSherlock)


with versions pre 4.0 . However I'm not 100 sure Jake Wharton will want us to use it like this since it's not exactly public..

how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate]


To respond to that I would like to point out that Jake Wharton took out .ForceOverFlow themes. I haven't tried it with version.. items in a very unconventional manner https github.com JakeWharton ActionBarSherlock blob master samples demos src com actionbarsherlock.. Java file in the ABS Library https github.com JakeWharton ActionBarSherlock blob master library src com actionbarsherlock..

Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton)


Custom Page Indicator ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton I am using ViewPageIndicator for developing a pager view with.. arg0 I modified CirclePageIndicator.java created by JakeWharton to my use public class CirclePageIndicator extends View implements.. me how can achieve this Courtesy Patrik kerfeldt Jake Wharton android android fragments android viewpager android pageradapter..

Android custom animation like airport schedule board


Developed By Emil Sjölander Animations Created By Jake Wharton UPDATE It has a document named HowTo.txt shows how to integrate...

How to force overflow menu on android actionbar compat?


here . There is an action bar library written by Jake Wharton called ActionBarSherlock. Perhaps this is able to supply you.. example #1 on devices with hardware menu button. Thus Jake Wharton is going to remove ForceOverflow in the future versions. share..

Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView


share improve this question A small update Jake Wharton is currently working on ActionBarSherlock 4.2.0 in dev branch.. on expanding functionality. I didn't know about Jake Wharton's intentions on backporting SearchView and did my version of..

Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method


this question This is what I did I create a class named DiskLruImageCache with a DiskLruCache the one from Jake Wharton object and the same methods in the simple implementation on the dev guide displaying bitmaps efficiently public class DiskLruImageCache..

Eclipse will not recognize project as library (ActionBarSherlock/ViewPagerIndicator)


and the ViewPagerIndicator libraries set up for my projects but I seem to be running into a few issues. I sent Jake Wharton The developer a few messages earlier about it and got a few replies but couldn't get anywhere and I think he got busy with.. in the Android preference window android.library.reference.2 .. .. .. .. .. Documents and Settings yorkw Desktop JakeWharton Android ViewPagerIndicator f09acb0 library If you directly alter it using absolute path from project.properties as below.. absolute path from project.properties as below android.library.reference.1 C Documents and Settings yorkw Desktop JakeWharton Android ViewPagerIndicator f09acb0 library Then after Eclipse refresh your project you get the exact error described in..

Dropdown Spinner outside of actionbar? (IceCream Sandwich style, w/ActionBarSherlock)


in luck. It can be done with ActionBarSherlock and it works with versions pre 4.0 . However I'm not 100 sure Jake Wharton will want us to use it like this since it's not exactly public api AFAIK I've meant to ask . Anyway you have to first create..

how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate]


ICS EDIT While typing out this suggestion you added a comment. To respond to that I would like to point out that Jake Wharton took out .ForceOverFlow themes. I haven't tried it with version 4.2.0 but with a custom theme it just might work. If you.. perhaps in 3 Java files. The Activity ActionModes adds menu items in a very unconventional manner https github.com JakeWharton ActionBarSherlock blob master samples demos src com actionbarsherlock sample demos ActionModes.java Line 53 The ActionMode.. sample demos ActionModes.java Line 53 The ActionMode Java file in the ABS Library https github.com JakeWharton ActionBarSherlock blob master library src com actionbarsherlock view ActionMode.java The MenuItem Java file again part of..

Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton)


Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton I am using ViewPageIndicator for developing a pager view with its indicator MyCode Activity public class Pager extends.. View arg0 @Override public void finishUpdate View arg0 I modified CirclePageIndicator.java created by JakeWharton to my use public class CirclePageIndicator extends View implements PageIndicator private static final int INVALID_POINTER..

Android custom animation like airport schedule board


How to force overflow menu on android actionbar compat?


Topics under User Interface Action Bar check out the 3rd bullet here . There is an action bar library written by Jake Wharton called ActionBarSherlock. Perhaps this is able to supply you with an action overflow menu style even when on older devices..

Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView


FragmentActivity.java 706 android actionbarsherlock share improve this question A small update Jake Wharton is currently working on ActionBarSherlock 4.2.0 in dev branch and has SearchView backported there. It has limited functionality.. most notable no support for SearchableInfo . But he is working on expanding functionality. I didn't know about Jake Wharton's intentions on backporting SearchView and did my version of backport can be found on github abs search view . My version..