

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:35

android Programming Glossary: whereargs

SQLIteDatabase.query method


sqLiteDatabase.query tableName tableColumns whereClause whereArgs groupBy having orderBy tableColumns columns parameter is constructed.. Confused about the construction of this parameter. whereArgs Confused about the construction of this parameter. Can anybody.. include for things that are dynamic e.g. column1 see whereArgs whereArgs specify the content that fills each in whereClause..

Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android


long contactId int type String phoneNumber null String whereArgs new String String.valueOf contactId String.valueOf type Log.d.. and ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE whereArgs null int phoneNumberIndex cursor .getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER..

update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method


wrong. It should be like this String where id String whereArgs new String String.valueOf id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert.. id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each.. dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each ' ' in the where variable...

Android Database Transaction


tableName String tableColumns String whereClase String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy return myDataBase.query.. return myDataBase.query tableName tableColumns whereClase whereArgs groupBy having orderBy public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList.. tableName String tableColumns String whereClase String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy ArrayList ArrayList..

SQLIteDatabase.query method


about the parameters using in query method. Cursor cursor sqLiteDatabase.query tableName tableColumns whereClause whereArgs groupBy having orderBy tableColumns columns parameter is constructed as follows. String columns new String KEY_ID KEY_CONTENT.. we need to include all the Field Names in String array whereClause Confused about the construction of this parameter. whereArgs Confused about the construction of this parameter. Can anybody help me thanks in advance. android sqlite share improve.. you put after WHERE without that keyword e.g. column1 5 should include for things that are dynamic e.g. column1 see whereArgs whereArgs specify the content that fills each in whereClause in the order they appear the others just like whereClause the..

Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android


static String getContactPhoneNumberByPhoneType Context context long contactId int type String phoneNumber null String whereArgs new String String.valueOf contactId String.valueOf type Log.d TAG String.valueOf contactId Cursor cursor context.getContentResolver.. null ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID and ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE whereArgs null int phoneNumberIndex cursor .getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER Log.d TAG String.valueOf..

update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method


share improve this question You're using the update function wrong. It should be like this String where id String whereArgs new String String.valueOf id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets.. be like this String where id String whereArgs new String String.valueOf id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each ' ' in the where variable. ie. if you had where name AND.. String whereArgs new String String.valueOf id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each ' ' in the where variable. ie. if you had where name AND type then the first ' ' would..

Android Database Transaction


myDataBase 1 2 public Cursor selectRecordsFromDB String tableName String tableColumns String whereClase String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy return myDataBase.query tableName tableColumns whereClase whereArgs groupBy.. String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy return myDataBase.query tableName tableColumns whereClase whereArgs groupBy having orderBy public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String tableName String tableColumns String.. ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String tableName String tableColumns String whereClase String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy ArrayList ArrayList String retList new ArrayList ArrayList String ArrayList..