android Programming Glossary: wi
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? Getting wifi informations ~ adb shell dumpsys wifi Output Wi Fi is enabled Stay awake conditions 3 Internal state interface..
Android: How to monitor WiFi signal strength How to monitor WiFi signal strength I would receive notifications when signal.. method and call it in the onCreate private void initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String.. void initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String connectivity_context Context.WIFI_SERVICE final..
How can i call Wi-Fi settings screen from my application using Android can i call Wi Fi settings screen from my application using Android Normally.. from my application using Android Normally I am getting Wi Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings.. setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings Wireless controls wifi settings . I need to go directly to the..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead.. How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample code.. is there any sample code to connect to 3G instead of Wi fi android android emulator share improve this question ..
Check WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android? WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android I would need to check.. connected i want to show dialog and goto directly Setting Wireless Controls to enable it by user. its for both wifi and Gps.. gps wifi share improve this question You can use the WifiManager class to get the state of Wi Fi. See this question..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android I have the connect read write working for TCP IP over Wi Fi and now trying to implement Bluetooth. But I am running into..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port PC to talk to an app on the phone through any other way Wi fi bluetooth etc . I'm guessing no on wi fi since neither party..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function streaming and I may want to stream live mic audio over a Wi Fi network in near real time. Where can I find some specific..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? has no GPS or mobile network in a scenario where the Wi Fi connection doesn't provide a location the user must manually..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android video from Youtube but this code doesn't work with Wi fi connection and work with mobile connection. Where did I have..
How users/developers can set the Android's proxy configuration for versions 2.x? possible for the user or for the developers to set the Wi Fi Access Point proxy settings in Android versions 2.x I know.. or greater versions editing the AP configuration into the Wireless settings in order to get the settings from code in the.. I don't think there was any platform level support for Wi Fi proxies before Gingerbread or prerhaps Honeycomb. Edit An..
Check real internet connection give a 100 precise result. For instance I might have a wi fi connection but still don't have access to internet resources... got to open a VPN connection after I've connected to via wi fi in order to get real access to Internet. So the approach.. in order to get real access to Internet. So the approach with ConnectivityManager doesn't work. So regarding the above should..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app to provide option to select wi fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app In my app.. in android app In my app i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi GPRS for network connectivity to.. app i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi GPRS for network connectivity to the web server. May be answers..
How to determine Android internet connection? ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE final NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI.. Return true if connected either in 3G or wi fi return mobile null mobile.getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED.. mobile null mobile.getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED wifi null wifi.getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED EDIT fixed..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port apps communicating with a device plugged in the USB port I'm thinking about an Android.. plugged in the USB port I'm thinking about an Android app with possibly an accompanying physical device and i'm trying to.. be possible for an app installed on the PC to communicate with an app running in the cell phone I just need a very simplistic..
Sending Wake on LAN packet from Android to PC to from the user's own PC using HTTP and it's working fine with a handful of beta testers. I now need to consider a situation.. C using CAsyncSocket at the client end . Doing this over a wi fi connection on the user's home network is likely to be relatively..
Connect two android phones with wi-fi (without laptop or access point) and send file two android phones with wi fi without laptop or access point and send file Is it.. two android phones with wi fi without laptop or access point and send file Is it possible.. two android phones with wi fi without laptop or access point and send file Is it possible to..
AdMob tries to connect at and fails. Always fires onFailedToReceiveAd(A network error occurred.) isu 061AC563478AB601B8B121B23C3BC875 format 320x50_mb net wi app_name u_audio 3 hl ru.. isu 061AC563478AB601B8B121B23C3BC875 format 320x50_mb net wi app_name u_audio 3 hl ru.. isu 061AC563478AB601B8B121B23C3BC875 format 320x50_mb net wi app_name u_audio 3..
Connecting to wi-fi using adb shell to wi fi using adb shell I have all the details to connect to a particular.. a network entry into the wpa_supplicant.conf yourself or within your script Essentially connect manually once then do adb.. connect manually once then do adb pull data misc wifi wpa_supplicant.conf and integrate the network entry into your..
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark mobile phone traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark.. on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share improve.. phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share improve this question Here are some suggestions..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? Battery temperature technology Li poly Battery technology 2 Getting wifi informations ~ adb shell dumpsys wifi Output Wi Fi is enabled Stay awake conditions 3 Internal state interface tiwlan0 runState Running SSID XXXXXXX BSSID xx xx xx xx xx..
Android: How to monitor WiFi signal strength How to monitor WiFi signal strength I would receive notifications when signal strength changes. I tried to create the following method and.. signal strength changes. I tried to create the following method and call it in the onCreate private void initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String connectivity_context Context.WIFI_SERVICE final WifiManager.. the following method and call it in the onCreate private void initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String connectivity_context Context.WIFI_SERVICE final WifiManager wifi WifiManager getSystemService connectivity_context..
How can i call Wi-Fi settings screen from my application using Android can i call Wi Fi settings screen from my application using Android Normally I am getting Wi Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking.. can i call Wi Fi settings screen from my application using Android Normally I am getting Wi Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings Wireless controls wifi settings . I need to go directly to.. my application using Android Normally I am getting Wi Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings Wireless controls wifi settings . I need to go directly to the Wi Fi settings screen from my program when pressing on the Wi..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample.. use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample code to connect to 3G instead of Wi fi android android emulator.. Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample code to connect to 3G instead of Wi fi android android emulator share improve this question The T Mobile 'My Account app does this if you are connected..
Check WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android? WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android I would need to check the wifi is on or off in the phone at the runtime if it is.. wifi is on or off in the phone at the runtime if it is not connected i want to show dialog and goto directly Setting Wireless Controls to enable it by user. its for both wifi and Gps staus of the phone. How to do it which intent to wake for.. How to do it which intent to wake for this Any idea android gps wifi share improve this question You can use the WifiManager class to get the state of Wi Fi. See this question for opening Wi Fi settings. And this question for GPS status...
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android string commands and receive string responses back. Currently I have the connect read write working for TCP IP over Wi Fi and now trying to implement Bluetooth. But I am running into some roadblocks. I have been searching the web trying to..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port still worth the shot. 2 Would it be possible for an app on the PC to talk to an app on the phone through any other way Wi fi bluetooth etc . I'm guessing no on wi fi since neither party has the other's IP and I want this to kinda just work not..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function another class called MediaRecorder but it doesn't support streaming and I may want to stream live mic audio over a Wi Fi network in near real time. Where can I find some specific examples java android audiorecord android hardware share..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? Froyo but not another The app is a location app and as the tablet has no GPS or mobile network in a scenario where the Wi Fi connection doesn't provide a location the user must manually specify it so not being able to use the Geocoder object..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android video from Youtube on Java Android I created code for download video from Youtube but this code doesn't work with Wi fi connection and work with mobile connection. Where did I have mistake import import
How users/developers can set the Android's proxy configuration for versions 2.x? configuration for versions 2.x I would like to know if it's possible for the user or for the developers to set the Wi Fi Access Point proxy settings in Android versions 2.x I know that it's possible for 3.x or greater versions editing the.. in Android versions 2.x I know that it's possible for 3.x or greater versions editing the AP configuration into the Wireless settings in order to get the settings from code in the following way ProxySelector defaultProxySelector ProxySelector.getDefault.. http proxy wifi android wifi share improve this question I don't think there was any platform level support for Wi Fi proxies before Gingerbread or prerhaps Honeycomb. Edit An Android engineer who works on this part of the platform confirms..
Check real internet connection to Internet. I tried using ConnectivityManager but it doesn't give a 100 precise result. For instance I might have a wi fi connection but still don't have access to internet resources. In my case I've got to open a VPN connection after I've.. don't have access to internet resources. In my case I've got to open a VPN connection after I've connected to via wi fi in order to get real access to Internet. So the approach with ConnectivityManager doesn't work. So regarding the above.. to open a VPN connection after I've connected to via wi fi in order to get real access to Internet. So the approach with ConnectivityManager doesn't work. So regarding the above should I write a manual http request in order to ensure or there's..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app to provide option to select wi fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app In my app i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi.. provide option to select wi fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app In my app i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi GPRS for network connectivity to the web server. May be answers to the following ques solve.. wi fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app In my app i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi GPRS for network connectivity to the web server. May be answers to the following ques solve my prob ... 1. How to check..
How to determine Android internet connection? final NetworkInfo mobile connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE final NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Return true if connected either in 3G or wi fi return mobile.. NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Return true if connected either in 3G or wi fi return mobile null mobile.getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED wifi null wifi.getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED EDIT.. Return true if connected either in 3G or wi fi return mobile null mobile.getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED wifi null wifi.getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED EDIT fixed a bug that was occuring with devices not able to connect in..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port apps communicating with a device plugged in the USB port I'm thinking about an Android app with possibly an accompanying physical device and.. apps communicating with a device plugged in the USB port I'm thinking about an Android app with possibly an accompanying physical device and i'm trying to figure out whether this is something that's feasible. 1 Let's.. feasible. 1 Let's say I plug my Android to my PC. Would it be possible for an app installed on the PC to communicate with an app running in the cell phone I just need a very simplistic data exchange it can even be one way just data pushed from..
Sending Wake on LAN packet from Android to PC from Android to PC My Android app sends retrieves data to from the user's own PC using HTTP and it's working fine with a handful of beta testers. I now need to consider a situation where the PC is hibernating. I've never done this before.. the WOL 'magic packet' and some simple source written in C using CAsyncSocket at the client end . Doing this over a wi fi connection on the user's home network is likely to be relatively straight forward but ideally I want this to work over..
Connect two android phones with wi-fi (without laptop or access point) and send file two android phones with wi fi without laptop or access point and send file Is it possible to connect two anroid phones by wi fi without using.. two android phones with wi fi without laptop or access point and send file Is it possible to connect two anroid phones by wi fi without using a bluetooth.. two android phones with wi fi without laptop or access point and send file Is it possible to connect two anroid phones by wi fi without using a bluetooth..
AdMob tries to connect at and fails. Always fires onFailedToReceiveAd(A network error occurred.) u_w 320 msid js afma sdk a v4.1.1 isu 061AC563478AB601B8B121B23C3BC875 format 320x50_mb net wi app_name u_audio 3 hl ru u_so p output html region mobile_app u_tz 180 ex 1 client_sdk.. msid js afma sdk a v4.1.1 isu 061AC563478AB601B8B121B23C3BC875 format 320x50_mb net wi app_name u_audio 3 hl ru u_so p output html region mobile_app u_tz 180 ex 1 client_sdk.. u_w 320 msid js afma sdk a v4.1.1 isu 061AC563478AB601B8B121B23C3BC875 format 320x50_mb net wi app_name u_audio 3 hl ru script head body body html 08 02 01 14 23.402 INFO Ads..
Connecting to wi-fi using adb shell to wi fi using adb shell I have all the details to connect to a particular access point. I have to use that access point only.. android linux adb share improve this question You can add a network entry into the wpa_supplicant.conf yourself or within your script Essentially connect manually once then do adb pull data misc wifi wpa_supplicant.conf and integrate the.. the wpa_supplicant.conf yourself or within your script Essentially connect manually once then do adb pull data misc wifi wpa_supplicant.conf and integrate the network entry into your script for automation. Example simple script # bin bash..
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark mobile phone traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share improve this.. mobile phone traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share improve this question Here are some suggestions For Android phones.. mobile phone traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share improve this question Here are some suggestions For Android phones any network Root your phone then install..
Android - configure Spinner to use array method called when it is trying to represent this object within the control. If you do not have a toString method you WILL get an exception. public String toString return name abbrev Then you can populate a spinner with an array of these classes.. new ArrayAdapter this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item new State new State 1 Minnesota MN new State 99 Wisconsin WI new State 53 Utah UT new State 153 Texas TX Step 3 Tell the spinner about our adapter spinner.setAdapter spinnerArrayAdapter..
NFC card emulation Android Android the Nexus S device NXP PN544 NFC controller supports not only SWP for UICC based SE but also the S2C aka NFC WI for the external e.g. micro SD card SE. Does anybody know how this can be enabled and what it means for the SD card That..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) the phone so this does not look like goldmine... I think the chances can be bigger if the phone will include the NFC WI S2C having this interface specified by ECMA and micro SD cards with the NFC WI support already specified by SD card association.. if the phone will include the NFC WI S2C having this interface specified by ECMA and micro SD cards with the NFC WI support already specified by SD card association will possibly allow purchasing to arbitrary company the SD cards with secure.. of the might offer TSM services to allow 3rd party access to SE inside UICC. By the way the technology you mention NFC WI is already used in the Nexus S to interconnect the NFC controller with the embedded secure element. Upate To summarize I..