android Programming Glossary: widthsofar
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children header llAlso.addView txtSample txtSample.measure 0 0 int widthSoFar txtSample.getMeasuredWidth for Sample samItem collection TextView.. link_clicked myIntent finish txtSamItem.measure 0 0 widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView.. 0 0 widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView llAlso llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams..
Android - multi-line linear layout newLL.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL int widthSoFar 0 for int i 0 i views.length i LinearLayout LL new LinearLayout.. TV params LL.addView views i params LL.measure 0 0 widthSoFar views i .getMeasuredWidth YOU MAY NEED TO ADD THE MARGINS if.. i .getMeasuredWidth YOU MAY NEED TO ADD THE MARGINS if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView newLL newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams..
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children TextView txtSample new TextView this txtSample.setText header llAlso.addView txtSample txtSample.measure 0 0 int widthSoFar txtSample.getMeasuredWidth for Sample samItem collection TextView txtSamItem new TextView this null android.R.attr.textColorLink.. new Intent myIntent.putExtra link_info ds.Sample setResult link_clicked myIntent finish txtSamItem.measure 0 0 widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView llAlso llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams.. setResult link_clicked myIntent finish txtSamItem.measure 0 0 widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView llAlso llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Android - multi-line linear layout LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT newLL.setGravity Gravity.LEFT newLL.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL int widthSoFar 0 for int i 0 i views.length i LinearLayout LL new LinearLayout mContext LL.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL LL.setGravity.. params.setMargins 5 0 5 0 YOU CAN USE THIS LL.addView TV params LL.addView views i params LL.measure 0 0 widthSoFar views i .getMeasuredWidth YOU MAY NEED TO ADD THE MARGINS if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView newLL newLL new LinearLayout.. LL.addView views i params LL.measure 0 0 widthSoFar views i .getMeasuredWidth YOU MAY NEED TO ADD THE MARGINS if widthSoFar maxWidth ll.addView newLL newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..