android Programming Glossary: widget.button
How do I apply a style to all buttons of an Android application parent android Theme item name android button @style CKButton item style style name CKButton parent android style Widget.Button item name android textSize 19sp item item name android layout_margin 0dip item item name android background #ff0000 item..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column ScrollView And here's the corresponding style definition resources style name ButtonStandard parent @android style Widget.Button item name android layout_height wrap_content item item name android layout_width fill_parent item style style name EditTextStandard..
How to set the text style of a button in selectors? color dynamically when I disable the button... Anybody can help Thanks style name srp_button parent @android style Widget.Button item name android background @drawable btn_default item item name android textColor #ffffff item How to specify different.. color #444 selector Take this file into your Button Style like this style name srp_button parent @android style Widget.Button item name android background @drawable btn_default item item name android textColor @color text_color.xml item Here is specified..
Text size and different android screen sizes screen sizes. I try to use 'sp' as size units in my custom style style name CustumButtonStyle parent @android style Widget.Button ... item name android textSize 30sp item ... style In 2.7 QVGA it looks OK But in 7in WSVGA it looks like this I've tried.. buttons look the same on any screen The full custom button style style name CustumButtonStyle parent @android style Widget.Button item name android background @drawable custom_button item item name android layout_width fill_parent item item name android..