android Programming Glossary: who's
android swipe to delete list row some searching but haven't found a good answer. anyone who's familiar with android 4.0 knows the fancy swipe to remove running..
Android. How does notifyDataSetChanged() method and ListViews work? and following what was going on. Hope this helps someone who's just now starting to understand how ListViews work. P.S. This..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android ORDER BY birthday_date This will then return the friends who's birthday falls between 01 Jan and 31 Jan. Update Calculate current..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity easier or better way Thanks for any help. EDIT For anyone who's interested in this later on there is sample code from Google..
Android, phone call audio stream via wlan when a phone call occurs I want to hear the person who's calling on my local pc speakers and I want to speak to him via.. when a phone call occurs I want to hear the person who's calling on my local pc speakers and I want to speak to him via..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) doing an AndAR project in group of 3. I'm the person who's in charge of video streaming into the Android phone. I got ourselves..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? This strikes me as a bunch of random garbage. And who's that cheeky IE only event mouseenter making a cameo then taking..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked setup Google Alerts for all our apps so we get told daily who's doing the hacking. So far we have implemented the licensing..
Android : autocompletetextview, suggestion list displays above the textview ! list when this one gets the focus from the user who's trying to scroll on it with one long click.. I' ve tried android..
Problems loading mobile.twitter in webview Agent are meant to give the visited site the info about who's the client. If one day Twitter makes special changes dedicated..
ViewPager inside a ScrollView does not scroll correclty I have a 'page' that has a number of components on it and who's content is longer than the height of the device. Fine just put..
android swipe to delete list row swipe to delete list row so i've done some searching but haven't found a good answer. anyone who's familiar with android 4.0 knows the fancy swipe to remove running apps. i'm trying to implement this into a dynamic list...
Android. How does notifyDataSetChanged() method and ListViews work? all this out by placing calls to logcat in every method and following what was going on. Hope this helps someone who's just now starting to understand how ListViews work. P.S. This example also helped me a lot to understand. share improve..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android birthday_date 3 5 '01' AND substr birthday_date 3 5 '31' ORDER BY birthday_date This will then return the friends who's birthday falls between 01 Jan and 31 Jan. Update Calculate current month and last date of current month Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity should implement writeToParcel readFromParcel . Is there an easier or better way Thanks for any help. EDIT For anyone who's interested in this later on there is sample code from Google for handling this via AIDL in the samples directory apis app..
Android, phone call audio stream via wlan on developing my specific voip app for android. Here's the scenario when a phone call occurs I want to hear the person who's calling on my local pc speakers and I want to speak to him via my own pc microphone headset. So I need to send the audio.. networking voip share improve this question Here's the scenario when a phone call occurs I want to hear the person who's calling on my local pc speakers and I want to speak to him via my own pc microphone headset. So I need to send the audio..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) IP Cam video stream on Android MJEPG i'm currently doing an AndAR project in group of 3. I'm the person who's in charge of video streaming into the Android phone. I got ourselves a D Link DCS 920 IP camera and I found out that it..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? in order mousemove mousedown DOMFocusOut mouseup click DOMActivate This strikes me as a bunch of random garbage. And who's that cheeky IE only event mouseenter making a cameo then taking the rest of the day off Oh well at least now I know what..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked cheap and someone hacks it and puts it up on a mirror. We setup Google Alerts for all our apps so we get told daily who's doing the hacking. So far we have implemented the licensing service as Google has suggested our salt is randomly made each..
Android : autocompletetextview, suggestion list displays above the textview ! . I would like the keyboard to be brought behind the suggestions list when this one gets the focus from the user who's trying to scroll on it with one long click.. I' ve tried android windowSoftInputMode stateHidden adjustPan in the activity..
Problems loading mobile.twitter in webview coding Edit Just a little update to justify this choice User Agent are meant to give the visited site the info about who's the client. If one day Twitter makes special changes dedicated to Android they will definitely use the User Agent to achieve..
ViewPager inside a ScrollView does not scroll correclty inside a ScrollView does not scroll correclty I have a 'page' that has a number of components on it and who's content is longer than the height of the device. Fine just put all of the layout the entire page inside a ScrollView no..