android Programming Glossary: set
How to get screen dimensions I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) Intent broadcastIntent new Intent broadcastIntent.setAction SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION broadcastIntent.putExtra sms str.. Intent broadcastIntent new Intent broadcastIntent.setAction MMS_RECEIVED_ACTION broadcastIntent.putExtra mms str.. encounters an error while processing this intent it should set the result code appropriately. @SdkConstant SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? boolean isShowing private Listener listener public void setListener Listener listener this.listener listener @Override protected.. findViewById mainLayout.setListener this ... @Override public void onSoftKeyboardShown boolean..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android structure with all of this data The proportional set size for dalvik. public int dalvikPss The private dirty pages.. by dalvik. public int dalvikSharedDirty The proportional set size for the native heap. public int nativePss The private dirty.. native heap. public int nativeSharedDirty The proportional set size for everything else. public int otherPss The private dirty..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? in closeStream out return bitmap Then use the Imageview.setImageBitmap to set bitmap into the ImageView share improve this..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog new ProgressDialog YourActivity.this mProgressDialog.setMessage A message mProgressDialog.setIndeterminate true mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle.. mProgressDialog.setMessage A message mProgressDialog.setIndeterminate true mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL.. mProgressDialog.setIndeterminate true mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL mProgressDialog.setCancelable..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? of paths. Note that the tessellate tag is by default set to 0. If you want to create tessellated lines they must be authored.. Placemark getPlacemarks return placemarks public void setPlacemarks ArrayList Placemark placemarks this.placemarks placemarks.. getCurrentPlacemark return currentPlacemark public void setCurrentPlacemark Placemark currentPlacemark this.currentPlacemark..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler.. public void handleMessage Message message imageView.setImageDrawable Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread.. Thread thread new Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending image Drawable drawable fetchDrawable..
Android: How to declare global variables? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main ... loadSettings if strSessionString.. is the variable strSessionString. Does anyone know how to set the variable global in order to avoid login form appearing after.. myState public String getState return myState public void setState String s myState s class Blah extends Activity @Override..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item items adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item.. android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item spinner.setAdapter adapter With this code initially the item One is displayed... solution that overrides the Spinner view. It overrides setAdapter to set the initial position to 1 and proxies the supplied..
Android - basic gesture detection adapted. For the simple click situation I need only set the onClickListener for each ImageView I add to be the main.. activity implements OnGestureListener I don't know how to set that as the gesture listener for the Grid or the Image views.. layout Do this for each view added to the grid imageView.setOnClickListener SelectFilterActivity.this imageView.setOnTouchListener..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] distance Create an empty segment. public Segment Set the turn instruction. @param turn Turn instruction string. .. for use in for loop final int numSteps steps.length Set the name of this route using the start end addresses route.setName.. int start.getDouble lng 1E6 segment.setPoint position Set the length of this segment in metres final int length step.getJSONObject..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Specify Resolution don't use Built in generic sizes Set the device density to match the real device in the Hardware..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? object. EditText vw EditText findViewById Set the EditText's text. vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. If..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] type to filter android inputType text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically in a comment and it's better to have information gathered. Set an extra parameter EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE on the intent intent.putExtra..
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM LinearLayout put the FrameLayout above the TabWidget Set layout_height to wrap_content on both FrameLayout and TabWidget.. to wrap_content on both FrameLayout and TabWidget Set FrameLayout's android layout_weight 1 Set TabWidget's android.. and TabWidget Set FrameLayout's android layout_weight 1 Set TabWidget's android layout_weight 0 0 is default but for emphasis..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? import java.util.Iterator public class NavigationDataSet private ArrayList Placemark placemarks new ArrayList Placemark.. import import public class.. false private StringBuffer buffer private NavigationDataSet navigationDataSet new NavigationDataSet Getter Setter ..
Alarm Manager Example .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm Context context AlarmManager am AlarmManager context.getSystemService.. Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.cancel sender Set Alarm from Service package YourPackage import onStart Context context Intent intent int startId alarm.SetAlarm context @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent ..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds import android.text.TextPaint import android.util.AttributeSet import android.util.TypedValue import android.widget.TextView.. file public AutoResizeTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs this context attrs 0 Default constructor override public.. public AutoResizeTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle mTextSize getTextSize..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java HttpGet url HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established... httpParameters timeoutConnection Set the default socket timeout SO_TIMEOUT in milliseconds which..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE..
Lazy download images into gridView CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https null @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE GRIDVIEW gridOfPhotos.setAdapter adapter.. Void @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... arg0 SET LOADING MORE TRUE loadingMore true INCREMENT CURRENT PAGE current_page..
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] targetURI null ContentResolver cr getContentResolver try SET THE IMAGE FROM THE CAMERA TO THE IMAGEVIEW bmpImageCamera android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap.. cr targetURI SET THE IMAGE FROM THE GALLERY TO THE IMAGEVIEW imgvwSelectedImage.setImageBitmap..
Setting up Alarm Manager is creating 2 Instances of my Main Activity mPos mPos intentAlarm.putExtra result ALARM_SET setResult RESULT_OK intentAlarm pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity.. Y if VERBOSE Log.v TAG playMusicFlag is SET playSongs showStopAlarmButton if android alarmmanager start..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method this.description description TO BE LOADED LATER OR CAN SET TO A DEFAULT IMAGE this.image null this.thumbImage null public..
Secure HTTP Post in Android params HTTP.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue params true SchemeRegistry.. Setting httpPost headers httpPost.setHeader User Agent SET YOUR USER AGENT STRING HERE httpPost.setHeader Accept text html..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method near 15 syntax error while compiling UPDATE mytable SET location name WHERE id 2010 09 21 15 05 36.995 I donĀ“t know..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database void update String word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new String word public void deleteAll..
Android ListView Text Color OF COLOR textView.setTextColor Color.BLUE return view SET THE ADAPTER TO LISTVIEW setListAdapter adapter share improve..
Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them? set SettingsFragment fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag SET Toast.makeText this Settings set Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if.. fragmentTransaction.add set SET else set shownFragment SET fragmentTransaction.commit.. set SET else set shownFragment SET fragmentTransaction.commit If I call up the settings then something..
How to get screen dimensions from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight in the main..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) a broadcast intent to update the SMS received in the activity Intent broadcastIntent new Intent broadcastIntent.setAction SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION broadcastIntent.putExtra sms str context.sendBroadcast broadcastIntent public static SmsMessage.. a broadcast intent to update the MMS received in the activity Intent broadcastIntent new Intent broadcastIntent.setAction MMS_RECEIVED_ACTION broadcastIntent.putExtra mms str context.sendBroadcast broadcastIntent The notification is.. android.content.Intent . If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing this intent it should set the result code appropriately. @SdkConstant SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION public static final String SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? public interface Listener public void onSoftKeyboardShown boolean isShowing private Listener listener public void setListener Listener listener this.listener listener @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec.. LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard mainLayout LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard findViewById mainLayout.setListener this ... @Override public void onSoftKeyboardShown boolean isShowing do whatever you need to do here ... share..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android int This returns a low level MemoryInfo structure with all of this data The proportional set size for dalvik. public int dalvikPss The private dirty pages used by dalvik. public int dalvikPrivateDirty The shared dirty.. public int dalvikPrivateDirty The shared dirty pages used by dalvik. public int dalvikSharedDirty The proportional set size for the native heap. public int nativePss The private dirty pages used by the native heap. public int nativePrivateDirty.. int nativePrivateDirty The shared dirty pages used by the native heap. public int nativeSharedDirty The proportional set size for everything else. public int otherPss The private dirty pages used by everything else. public int otherPrivateDirty..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog instantiate it within the onCreate method mProgressDialog new ProgressDialog YourActivity.this mProgressDialog.setMessage A message mProgressDialog.setIndeterminate true mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL.. method mProgressDialog new ProgressDialog YourActivity.this mProgressDialog.setMessage A message mProgressDialog.setIndeterminate true mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL mProgressDialog.setCancelable true execute.. YourActivity.this mProgressDialog.setMessage A message mProgressDialog.setIndeterminate true mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL mProgressDialog.setCancelable true execute this when the downloader must be..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? kml 2.2 Document name Paths name description Examples of paths. Note that the tessellate tag is by default set to 0. If you want to create tessellated lines they must be authored or edited directly in KML. description Style id yellowLineGreenPoly.. placemarks.add currentPlacemark public ArrayList Placemark getPlacemarks return placemarks public void setPlacemarks ArrayList Placemark placemarks this.placemarks placemarks public Placemark getCurrentPlacemark return currentPlacemark.. placemarks this.placemarks placemarks public Placemark getCurrentPlacemark return currentPlacemark public void setCurrentPlacemark Placemark currentPlacemark this.currentPlacemark currentPlacemark public Placemark getRoutePlacemark return..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView fetchDrawableOnThread final String urlString final ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message message.. urlString final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message message imageView.setImageDrawable Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending.. message imageView.setImageDrawable Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending image Drawable drawable fetchDrawable urlString Message message handler.obtainMessage 1 drawable..
Android: How to declare global variables? I added the following condition public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main ... loadSettings if strSessionString null login ... The onActivityResult method which is executed.. slides the login form appears again and I guess the problem is the variable strSessionString. Does anyone know how to set the variable global in order to avoid login form appearing after the user already successfully authenticates Thanks android.. same effect class MyApp extends Application private String myState public String getState return myState public void setState String s myState s class Blah extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle b ... MyApp appState MyApp getApplicationContext..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item items adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item spinner.setAdapter adapter With this code initially the.. items adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item spinner.setAdapter adapter With this code initially the item One is displayed. I could just add a new item Select One to the items but.. android spinner share improve this question Here's a general solution that overrides the Spinner view. It overrides setAdapter to set the initial position to 1 and proxies the supplied SpinnerAdapter to display the prompt string for position..
Android - basic gesture detection Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been slightly adapted. For the simple click situation I need only set the onClickListener for each ImageView I add to be the main activity which implements View.OnClickListener . It seems infinitely.. a fling. I presume this is because it may span views If my activity implements OnGestureListener I don't know how to set that as the gesture listener for the Grid or the Image views that I add. public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity.. your gesture listener to all the views you add to the main layout Do this for each view added to the grid imageView.setOnClickListener SelectFilterActivity.this imageView.setOnTouchListener gestureListener Watch in awe as your overridden methods..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] of segment. private int length Distance covered. private double distance Create an empty segment. public Segment Set the turn instruction. @param turn Turn instruction string. public void setInstruction final String turn this.instruction.. final JSONArray steps leg.getJSONArray steps Number of steps for use in for loop final int numSteps steps.length Set the name of this route using the start end addresses route.setName leg.getString start_address to leg.getString end_address.. GeoPoint position new GeoPoint int start.getDouble lat 1E6 int start.getDouble lng 1E6 segment.setPoint position Set the length of this segment in metres final int length step.getJSONObject distance .getInt value distance length segment.setLength..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen real devices Name the emulator for the real device it's emulating Specify Resolution don't use Built in generic sizes Set the device density to match the real device in the Hardware pane set Abstracted LCD Property to the real density always..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? Highlighting or Styling Portions of Text Get our EditText object. EditText vw EditText findViewById Set the EditText's text. vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. If this were just a TextView we could do vw.setText Italic highlighted..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint type to filter android inputType text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the default ID This lets us use a ListActivity still ListView..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier Example send http request final String url https..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information in a comment and it's better to have information gathered. Set an extra parameter EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE on the intent intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE true And in the Result..
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM to get tabs on the bottom of the screen. In your vertical LinearLayout put the FrameLayout above the TabWidget Set layout_height to wrap_content on both FrameLayout and TabWidget Set FrameLayout's android layout_weight 1 Set TabWidget's.. put the FrameLayout above the TabWidget Set layout_height to wrap_content on both FrameLayout and TabWidget Set FrameLayout's android layout_weight 1 Set TabWidget's android layout_weight 0 0 is default but for emphasis readability.. Set layout_height to wrap_content on both FrameLayout and TabWidget Set FrameLayout's android layout_weight 1 Set TabWidget's android layout_weight 0 0 is default but for emphasis readability etc Set TabWidget's android layout_marginBottom..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator public class NavigationDataSet private ArrayList Placemark placemarks new ArrayList Placemark private Placemark currentPlacemark private Placemark routePlacemark.. import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler import import public class NavigationSaxHandler extends DefaultHandler Fields.. boolean in_pointtag false private boolean in_coordinatestag false private StringBuffer buffer private NavigationDataSet navigationDataSet new NavigationDataSet Getter Setter public NavigationDataSet getParsedData navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark..
Alarm Manager Example Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm Context context AlarmManager am AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent context.. 0 AlarmManager alarmManager AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.cancel sender Set Alarm from Service package YourPackage import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent.. new Alarm public void onCreate super.onCreate public void onStart Context context Intent intent int startId alarm.SetAlarm context @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent return null If you want set alarm repeating at phone boot time..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds import android.text.StaticLayout import android.text.TextPaint import android.util.AttributeSet import android.util.TypedValue import android.widget.TextView Text view that auto adjusts text size to fit within the view... this context null Default constructor when inflating from XML file public AutoResizeTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs this context attrs 0 Default constructor override public AutoResizeTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs int.. attrs this context attrs 0 Default constructor override public AutoResizeTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle mTextSize getTextSize When text changes set the force resize flag to true..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java The operation timed out . HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet url HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. The default value is zero that means the timeout is not used... is not used. int timeoutConnection 3000 HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout httpParameters timeoutConnection Set the default socket timeout SO_TIMEOUT in milliseconds which is the timeout for waiting for data. int timeoutSocket 5000..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data and in the onPostExecute after setting the adapter to the ListView @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADINGMORE STATUS TO PERMIT FETCHING MORE DATA loadingMore..
Lazy download images into gridView arg0 CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS TO PREVENT DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialAlbumID photos access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken.. photos catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE GRIDVIEW gridOfPhotos.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false This is to.. private class loadMorePhotos extends AsyncTask Void Void Void @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... arg0 SET LOADING MORE TRUE loadingMore true INCREMENT CURRENT PAGE current_page 1 Next page request URL pagingURL try HttpClient..
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] targetURI initialURI getContentResolver .notifyChange targetURI null ContentResolver cr getContentResolver try SET THE IMAGE FROM THE CAMERA TO THE IMAGEVIEW bmpImageCamera android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap cr targetURI.. IMAGE FROM THE CAMERA TO THE IMAGEVIEW bmpImageCamera android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap cr targetURI SET THE IMAGE FROM THE GALLERY TO THE IMAGEVIEW imgvwSelectedImage.setImageBitmap bmpImageCamera catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Setting up Alarm Manager is creating 2 Instances of my Main Activity intentAlarm.putExtra playMusic PLAY_MUSIC intentAlarm.putExtra mPos mPos intentAlarm.putExtra result ALARM_SET setResult RESULT_OK intentAlarm pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 12345 intentAlarm PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. playMusic mPos intent.getIntExtra mPos 0 if playMusicFlag.equalsIgnoreCase Y if VERBOSE Log.v TAG playMusicFlag is SET playSongs showStopAlarmButton if android alarmmanager start activity share improve this question if you want that..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method transmission this.carType carType this.model model this.description description TO BE LOADED LATER OR CAN SET TO A DEFAULT IMAGE this.image null this.thumbImage null public String getCarId return carId public void setCarId String..
Secure HTTP Post in Android params HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset params HTTP.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue params true SchemeRegistry schReg new SchemeRegistry schReg.register new Scheme.. response null StringEntity tmp null Log.d Your App Name Here Setting httpPost headers httpPost.setHeader User Agent SET YOUR USER AGENT STRING HERE httpPost.setHeader Accept text html application xml application xhtml xml text html q 0.9 text..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method but i get following error android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException near 15 syntax error while compiling UPDATE mytable SET location name WHERE id 2010 09 21 15 05 36.995 I donĀ“t know what should be the problem. Somehow the values do not arrive..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database cId cName numType cNum dur date currTime 1 return true public void update String word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new String word public void deleteAll this.db.delete TABLE_NAME null null public String selectDate..
Android ListView Text Color
Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them? for menu selection just one example SettingsFragment set SettingsFragment fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag SET Toast.makeText this Settings set Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if set null set new SettingsFragment fragmentTransaction.add set Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if set null set new SettingsFragment fragmentTransaction.add set SET else set shownFragment SET fragmentTransaction.commit If I call up the settings then something.. fragmentTransaction.add set SET else set shownFragment SET fragmentTransaction.commit If I call up the settings then something else and then go back to settings the toast gives me..