android Programming Glossary: serviceconnection
Android emulator spams logcat with "Service has leaked ServiceConnection … that was originally bound here Service has leaked ServiceConnection &hellip that was originally bound here I am working on a very.. Service has leaked ServiceConnection ProxyConnection@40d0c8d8.. here 12 07 14 24 28.301 E ActivityThread 587 Service has leaked..
Android - Service wont stop? you may get better luck if you call stopService from your ServiceConnection 's onServiceDisconnected method Also bear in mind that the exact..
How do I bind this service in Android? Intent this HelloService.class hello_service_conn new HelloServiceConnection bindService hello_service hello_service_conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE.. question is...what goes inside the Connection class HelloServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected.. the Connection class HelloServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder..
Android Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered I have followed the Local Service.. Context bindService ... always returns false and there is ServiceConnection onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context.. that Context bindService returns immediately but my ServiceConnection object is never triggered. I don't know if these apply My activity..
Restful API service public IRestfulService restfulService private RestfulServiceConnection conn private boolean started false private Context context public.. public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new Intent i.setClassName service not bound Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show class RestfulServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging import android.content.Intent import android.content.ServiceConnection import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.IBinder.. str1 break default super.handleMessage msg private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected.. msg private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” SeekBar progress private MediaPlayer mp ... private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected.. MediaPlayer mp ... private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder..
Android:sound pool and service for service binding passed to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected.. to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder..
When to call activity context OR application context? bind to a Service from an Activity if you wish to pass the ServiceConnection i.e. the handle to the binding between Activity instances via.. . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings... the new Activity instance will have a reference to the ServiceConnection which has an implicit reference to the old Activity and the..
Android emulator spams logcat with "Service has leaked ServiceConnection … that was originally bound here emulator spams logcat with Service has leaked ServiceConnection &hellip that was originally bound here I am working on a very simple application in Android. I made a splash screen main.. Errors in logcat 12 07 14 24 28.301 E ActivityThread 587 Service has leaked ServiceConnection ProxyConnection@40d0c8d8 that was originally bound here 12 07 14 24 28.301.. ProxyConnection@40d0c8d8 that was originally bound here 12 07 14 24 28.301 E ActivityThread 587 Service has leaked ServiceConnection
Android - Service wont stop? might be going haywire with the timing in which case you may get better luck if you call stopService from your ServiceConnection 's onServiceDisconnected method Also bear in mind that the exact timing of the service being destroyed is up to Android..
How do I bind this service in Android? an Intent then a Connection right hello_service new Intent this HelloService.class hello_service_conn new HelloServiceConnection bindService hello_service hello_service_conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE But my question is...what goes inside the Connection.. hello_service_conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE But my question is...what goes inside the Connection class HelloServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder boundService public void onServiceDisconnected.. Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE But my question is...what goes inside the Connection class HelloServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder boundService public void onServiceDisconnected ComponentName..
Android Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered I have followed the Local Service example provided by Google but my Context bindService ... always.. followed the Local Service example provided by Google but my Context bindService ... always returns false and there is ServiceConnection onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context bindService returns immediately but my ServiceConnection.. onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context bindService returns immediately but my ServiceConnection object is never triggered. I don't know if these apply My activity is running inside a tabHost and I was wondering if that..
Restful API service mCallbacks new RemoteCallbackList IRemoteServiceCallback public IRestfulService restfulService private RestfulServiceConnection conn private boolean started false private Context context public ServiceManager Context context this.context context public.. context.stopService i started false public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new Intent i.setClassName context.bindService.. unbindService else Toast.makeText context Cannot unbind service not bound Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show class RestfulServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder boundService restfulService..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging android.content.ComponentName import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.ServiceConnection import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.IBinder import android.os.Message import android.os.Messenger.. msg.getData .getString str1 textStrValue.setText Str Message str1 break default super.handleMessage msg private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service mService new Messenger.. Str Message str1 break default super.handleMessage msg private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service mService new Messenger service textStatus.setText..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” Song extends Activity implements OnClickListener Runnable private SeekBar progress private MediaPlayer mp ... private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder.. OnClickListener Runnable private SeekBar progress private MediaPlayer mp ... private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder rawBinder .getService..
Android:sound pool and service this number num Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Defines callbacks for service binding passed to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service We've bound to.. .show Defines callbacks for service binding passed to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service We've bound to LocalService cast the IBinder and..
When to call activity context OR application context? getApplicationContext . Use getApplicationContext when you bind to a Service from an Activity if you wish to pass the ServiceConnection i.e. the handle to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks.. binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance.. that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance will have a reference to the ServiceConnection which has an implicit reference to the old Activity and the old Activity cannot be garbage collected. Some developers use..