android Programming Glossary: session.getstate
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package void testFacebookConnection Session session new Session this Session.setActiveSession session SessionState state session.getState Settings.addLoggingBehavior LoggingBehavior.INCLUDE_ACCESS_TOKENS Session.StatusCallback statusCallback new Session.StatusCallback.. ShareActivity.this Facebook session status changed Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if session.isOpened session.isClosed session.getState SessionState.OPENING OpenRequest open new OpenRequest this .setCallback statusCallback List String permission new ArrayList.. void call Session session SessionState state Exception exception String message Facebook session status changed session.getState Exception exception Toast.makeText FacebookShareActivity.this message Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Log.w Facebook test message..
Android Facebook Api Exception - remote_app_id does not match stored id match stored id I have an issue as said in the title of this post. I am unable to login. SessionState currentstate session.getState gives me a state CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED . I took a look at this post Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives remote_app_id does not..
Graph api is not returning user email id statusCallback Session session new Session.Builder activity .build if SessionState.CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED.equals session.getState allowLoginUI Session.setActiveSession session session.openForRead openRequest return session return null and inside onActivityResult..