android Programming Glossary: servicename
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request soap Body ExecuteMethod xmlns http 2005 serviceName string serviceName methodName string methodName parameters Parameter.. xmlns http 2005 serviceName string serviceName methodName string methodName parameters Parameter Name string.. new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD request.addProperty serviceName SERVICENAME request.addProperty methodName METHODNAME SoapObject..
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk in String address int addRfcommServiceRecord in String serviceName in ParcelUuid uuid int channel IBinder b void removeServiceRecord..
How to determine if an Android Service is running in the foreground? this question private boolean isServiceRunning String serviceName boolean serviceRunning false ActivityManager am ActivityManager.. .next if runningServiceInfo.service.getClassName .equals serviceName serviceRunning true return serviceRunning If you want to..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2 In the wsdl there was message name invokeService part name serviceName type xsd string part name documents type tns uriList part name.. you need for example in my case for the part part name serviceName type xsd string SoapObject.addProperty serviceName whateverServiceNameItWas.. name serviceName type xsd string SoapObject.addProperty serviceName whateverServiceNameItWas for the part part name documents type..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException Class T createClassIterator Class T service String serviceName ClassLoader loader boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound String classesNames.. ignoreOnClassNotFound String classesNames SERVICES.get serviceName int length classesNames.length ArrayList Class T classes new.. public Iterator T createIterator Class T service String serviceName ClassLoader loader boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound String classesNames..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request 2005 Token string Token AuthorizationToken soap Header soap Body ExecuteMethod xmlns http 2005 serviceName string serviceName methodName string methodName parameters Parameter Name string Name Value string Value Parameter parameters.. string Token AuthorizationToken soap Header soap Body ExecuteMethod xmlns http 2005 serviceName string serviceName methodName string methodName parameters Parameter Name string Name Value string Value Parameter parameters ExecuteMethod.. using the following code to generate my request SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD request.addProperty serviceName SERVICENAME request.addProperty methodName METHODNAME SoapObject nestedParameters new SoapObject NAMESPACE parameters SoapObject..
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk in String address in boolean value boolean getTrustState in String address int addRfcommServiceRecord in String serviceName in ParcelUuid uuid int channel IBinder b void removeServiceRecord int handle IBluetoothCallback.aidl package android.bluetooth..
How to determine if an Android Service is running in the foreground? is working android service foreground share improve this question private boolean isServiceRunning String serviceName boolean serviceRunning false ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo.. runningServiceInfo ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo i .next if runningServiceInfo.service.getClassName .equals serviceName serviceRunning true return serviceRunning If you want to know if your service is running in foreground just open some..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2 and how i did check if you did these steps in your case In the wsdl there was message name invokeService part name serviceName type xsd string part name documents type tns uriList part name literalDocs type ns1 stringArray part name connID type xsd.. types 2 Add ALL the necessary soap object properties that you need for example in my case for the part part name serviceName type xsd string SoapObject.addProperty serviceName whateverServiceNameItWas for the part part name documents type tns uriList.. that you need for example in my case for the part part name serviceName type xsd string SoapObject.addProperty serviceName whateverServiceNameItWas for the part part name documents type tns uriList where uriList was a complex type PropertyInfo..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException new String @SuppressWarnings unchecked @Override public Iterator Class T createClassIterator Class T service String serviceName ClassLoader loader boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound String classesNames SERVICES.get serviceName int length classesNames.length.. Class T service String serviceName ClassLoader loader boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound String classesNames SERVICES.get serviceName int length classesNames.length ArrayList Class T classes new ArrayList Class T length for int i 0 i length i try classes.add.. e Log.v TAG MESSAGE e return classes.iterator @Override public Iterator T createIterator Class T service String serviceName ClassLoader loader boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound String classesNames SERVICES.get serviceName int length classesNames.length..